four-operator average into a product of two averages of pairs of the operators is
strictly true for noninteracting particles according to the Wick theorem. Here we
perform the decomposition for real, and thus interacting, particles. There are two
major types of interaction. Interactions of one type are such that do not result in
the superconducting behavior. We neglect them. This is a model approximation;
the quality of the model should be considered separately for each particular case.
For example, it is not correct, of course, for a strongly correlated electron
system. However, for usual superconductors, where electrons form a Fermi liquid
with weak correlations, the BCS model proved to be very realistic. The
interaction of the second kind is the one which results in the superconducting
pairing. What we should have done with this interaction is to expand the average
of the four particle operators into the power series in the interaction strength g
and then to average each term using the Wick theorem. We would obtain the
series of diagrams containing the non-superconducting Green functions.
Performing summation of this series we would then obtain the full Green function
as it appears in eqn (3.3).
The second major feature of the model is as follows. The averages in the third
line in the r.h.s of eqn (3.3) do not disappear in the limit of a macroscopic
volume V
as it was assumed earlier during the derivation of the Wick
theorem. The reason is that now the average
contains a macroscopic number of particles because of the Cooper pairing effect:
due to a small attraction between electrons they form pairs which then condense
into a ground state. This is the basic assumption of the BCS theory. The average
of eqn (3.4) has the form of a wave function of the condensed Cooper pairs, i.e.,
of the superconducting electrons.
The first and the second terms in the r.h.s. of eqn (3.3) have the form
is called the self-energy. The self-energy leads to a renormalization of the
chemical potential
. In addition, it introduces a small imaginary part
proportional to the small g. In the BCS model, this relaxation term is ignored,
and the only effect of the interaction is assumed to be the pairing leading to a
nonzero average of the type of
. In the phonon model to be discussed in
Section 8.2, the self-energy is of the order of
; it is much smaller than
the characteristic superconducting energy in the so-called weak-coupling limit to
which we restrict
end p.44
our consideration. However, the relaxation part can be important for
nonstationary processes; we shall incorporate it where appropriate while
considering nonstationary phenomena throughout the book.
Dealing with the BCS model, we omit the self-energy from the expression for the
time-derivative of the Green function. Finally, we obtain
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