are the practical methods for solving nonstationaiy problems and for calculating
the physical observables?
We shall discuss those problems throughout this book and describe a general
approach which is able to deal with these problems in a coherent way. It is the
Green function technique, and, in particular, the technique which uses the
real-time Green functions. The important component of the general theory is the
quasiclassical method which provides the easiest way of practical implementation
of the Green function technique. The theory is based on general principles of the
BCS scheme. In addition, it includes interactions of electrons with impurities,
phonons, and electron–electron interaction. We start with the general definitions
of the Green functions. We describe the BCS theory and derive the Gor’kov
equations. Next, we introduce the quasiclassical approach. The real-time Green
functions are introduced using two different but completely equivalent methods:
the Keldysh formalism and the method of analytical continuation of the
imaginary-time Matsubara Green functions onto the real-time domain. We obtain
the general expressions for the order parameter and other quantities and derive
transport-like and kinetic equations for the distribution functions of excitations.
For practical implementations of the general formalism, we derive the TDGL
equations and consider other examples of nonstationary phenomena. A
considerable part of the book is devoted to the vortex dynamics as a problem
which incorporates almost all nonstationary phenomena existing in a
superconducting state. Discussion of the vortex dynamics for each particular
system starts with an introductory section which elucidates the main processes
characteristic for the system under consideration. Let us now turn to the general
definition of the Green functions.
end p.26
Nikolai B. Kopnin
Abstract: This chapter introduces the second quantization formalism based on
Schrödinger and Heisenberg operators. It defines the temperature and real-time
Green functions for Bose and Fermi particles and discusses their analytical
Keywords: second quantization, Green function, Fermi particle, Bose
particle, Schrödinger
We introduce the second quantization formalism and define the
temperature and time-dependent Green functions which will be used
throughout the book.
2.1. Second quantization
The Green function formalism uses the method of second quantization. We
Kopnin, Nikolai, Senior Scientist, Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of
Technology, and L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow
Theory of Nonequilibrium Superconductivity
Print ISBN 9780198507888, 2001
pp. [26]-[30]
© Copyright Oxford University Press, 2003-2010. All Rights Reserved
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