The electron density
3.1.3 Order parameter of a d-wave superconductor
Until now we assumed a point-like interaction between electrons independent of
particle momenta. In general, the pairing interaction may have a dependence on
end p.52
directions of the momenta of participating particles. In such a case, the order
parameter will also be momentum-dependent. In general, one can write
where ( ) is a Fourier transform of the (attractive) interaction matrix
element. For simplicity we consider systems which have the inversion symmetry.
For such systems, the order parameter has a definite symmetry in the
momentum p because of the general parity of Fermi particles. The full order
parameter including the spin degrees of freedom is an, odd function with respect
to transposition of particles. If the pairing occurs into a spin-singlet state which is
odd in spin indices, the remaining orbital part should be even in the transposition
of the particle coordinates, i.e., in the substitution p
–p. This requires that the
potential U(p, p
) is even in p –p and, of course, in p
, as well, since
it is symmetric in p p
One can expand the pairing potential in terms of orthogonal eigenfunctions of
angular motion
The s-wave component which we denoted earlier as U
= |g| is independent of
the momentum directions. The next expansion term represents the so-called
d-wave pairing potential. In some cases it can be favorable, for example, because
of the crystalline symmetry. If the crystal has a symmetry axis around the axis c
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