is zero: due to periodicity, the lines of constant | | are perpendicular to the
boundary. We now calculate the contour integral along the unit cell boundary
It vanishes because A ( c/2e) = 0 at the boundary, as we have just proven.
We obtain
where the integral is over the unit cell and is the variation of the order
parameter phase along this contour. It is
= 2 since the flux through the unit
cell is equal to one flux quantum. Therefore, the phase of the order parameter
acquires the increment of 2
after encircling the point where the order
parameter is zero. The phase variation by 2
is also necessary for single-
valuedness of the order parameter. Here we come to a vortex: A quantized
vortex is a linear (in three dimensions) topologieal object which is characterized
by a quantized circulation of the order parameter phase around this line. In
principle, vortices with a phase circulation of an integer multiple of 2
are also
possible. The axis of vortex circulation
is parallel to H if the charge of carriers
is positive and antiparallel to it in the opposite case:
= sign (e) . For
is anitiparallel to H. We see that transition into a superconducting
state in a magnetic field below H
gives rise to formation of vortices. Vortices in
superconductors were theoretically predicted by Abrikosov (1957).
Let us consider an applied magnetic field H slightly below H
such that H
. The solution of the GL equation is the function eqn (1.36) plus a small
. This correction is caused by (i) nonlinear term in the GL equation,
(ii) local variations in A due to the supercurrent eqns (1.38), (1.39), and (iii)
deviation of H from H
Kopnin, Nikolai, Senior Scientist, Low Temperature Laboratory, Helsinki University of
Technology, and L.D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow
Theory of Nonequilibrium Superconductivity
Print ISBN 9780198507888, 2001
pp. [11]-[15]
Oxford Scholarship Online: Theory of Nonequilibrium Supe... http://www.oxfordscholarship.com/oso/private/content/phy...
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