Therefore, the mathematical complexity of the theory is considerably reduced.
The accuracy of the quasiclassical approximation depends on how well the
is satisfied. For conventional low-temperature superconductors, the parameter
is of the order of 10
thus the accuracy is very good. High temperature
superconductors have
~ 10
to 10
so that the quasiclassical
approximation is less universal. However, it still has a reasonably solid base for
validity, though description of some phenomena requires a more careful analysis.
Using this approximation, one can formulate a very powerful quasiclassical
method which is indispensable for solving spatially nonhomogeneous problems of
the microscopic theory of superconductivity. It also makes the basis for the
end p.17
microscopic theory of nonstationary phenomena in superconductors. The great
advantage of the quasiclassical nonstationary theory is that it can incorporate, in
a coherent way, various relaxation mechanisms including interaction with
impurities in superconducting alloys. It is this quasiclassical method which is the
main subject, of the present book.
1.2 Nonstationary phenomena
Nonstationary theory considers behavior of superconductors in a.c. external fields
(electromagnetic fields, sound waves, etc.). It treats transport phenomena such
as electric or thermal conductivity, and thermopower. Problems associated with a
d.c. electric field should also be considered within the nonstationary theory.
Indeed, a d.c. electric field accelerates electrons which should then relax and give
away their energy to the superconductor. This produces a time-dependent or
dissipative state where the absorbed power creates a nonequilibrium distribution
of excitations. The nonstationary theory should provide a consistent approach to
the whole class of such problems using the superconducting characteristics
discussed above.
1.2.1 Time-dependent Ginzburg–Landau theory
The simplest description of nonstationary processes in superconductors is
provided by the so-called time-dependent Ginzburg–Landau (TDGL) model which
generalizes the usual Ginzburg–Landau (GL) theory to include relaxation
processes. The TDGL model is widely used, it often gives a reasonable picture of
superconducting dynamics. However, as distinct from its static counterpart,
validity of the TDGL theory is much more limited. It is not enough just to be close
to the critical temperature. The necessary condition requires also that deviations
from equilibrium are small: the quasiparticle excitations should remain
essentially in equilibrium with the heat bath. For real superconductors it is, in
general, a very strong limitation. It can normally be fulfilled only for the
so-called gapless superconductivity. The latter corresponds to a situation where
mechanisms working to destroy Cooper pairs are almost successful: the energy
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