Examples, Basic Problems, Peculiar Features of Solutions 35
As a particular physical example, we consider the equation for the velocity field
V(r, t) of low-inertia particles moving in the hydrodynamic flow whose velocity field
is u(r, t) (see, e.g., [29])
+ V(r, t)
V(r, t) = −λ
V(r, t) − u(r, t)
. (1.71)
We will assume this equation the phenomenological equation.
In the general case, the solution to Eq. (1.71) can be non-unique, it can have discon-
tinuities, etc. However, in the case of asymptotically small inertia property of particles
(parameter λ → ∞), which is of our concern here, the solution will be unique dur-
ing reasonable temporal intervals. Note that, in the right-hand side of Eq. (1.71), term
F(r, t) = λV(r, t) linear in the velocity field V(r, t) is, according to the known Stokes
formula, the resistance force acting on a slowly moving particle. If we approximate
the particle by a sphere of radius a, parameter λ will be λ = 6πaη/m
, where η is the
dynamic viscosity coefficient and m
is the mass of the particle (see, e.g., [30]).
From Eq. (1.71) follows that velocity field V(r, t) is the divergent field
(div V(r, t) 6= 0) even if hydrodynamic flow u(r, t) is the nondivergent field
(div u(r, t) = 0). As a consequence, particle number density n(r, t) in nondivergent
hydrodynamic flows, which satisfies the linear equation of continuity
V(r, t)
n(r, t) = 0, n(r, 0) = n
(r), (1.72)
similar to Eq. (1.39), shows the cluster behavior [31].
For large parameters λ → ∞ (inertia-less particles), we have
V(r, t) ≈ u(r, t), (1.73)
and particle number density n(r, t) in nondivergent hydrodynamic flows shows no
cluster behavior.
The first-order partial differential equation (1.71) (the Eulerian description) is equi-
valent to the system of ordinary differential characteristic equations (the Lagrangian
r(t) = V
r(t), t
, r(0) = r
V(t) = −λ
V(t) − u
r(t), t
, V(0) = V
that describe diffusion of a particle under random external force and linear friction and
coincide with Eq. (1.12).
Conventional statistical description usually assumes that fluctuations of the hydro-
dynamic velocity field are sufficiently small. For this reason, we can linearize the