even money that at least one 12 (two sixes) would occur in 24 roll s of a pair of dice.
He conjectured that the prob ability of obtaining a 12 in one roll of two dice is 1/36,
and therefore that the chances of getting at least one 12 in 24 rolls must be 24/36 or
2/3. However, this method of calculation is flawed. The true odds of getting at least
one 12 in 24 rolls of a pair of dice is actually a little less than 0.5, and de Me
betting strategy failed him. He contacted Blaise Pascal (1623–1662), a proficient
mathematician and philosopher at the time, for help in solving the mystery behind
his gambling fallout. Pascal calculated that the chance of winning such a bet is 49%,
and this of course explained de Me
’s unfortunate losses.
Soon after, Pascal collaborated with another famous mathematician, Pierre de
Fermat, and together they developed a foundation for probability theory. The realm
of probability theory initially focused only on games of chance to address the queries
of gamblers ignorant in the rigors of mathematics. Jacob (also known as James or
Jacques) Bernoulli (1654–1705) and Abraham de Moivre
(1667–1754), both prolific
mathematicians in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, made significant
contributions to this field. Due to the pioneering work of Pierre-Simon Laplace
(1749–1827), probability theory grew to address a variety of scientific problems in
mathematical statistics, genetics, economics, and engineering, with great advances
also brought about by Kolmogorov, Markov, and Chebyshev.
Getting back to our topic of statistics, we may ask, “How is the theory of
probability related to statistical evaluations of a population parameter?” As dis-
cussed in Sectio n 3.1, statistical values are numerical estimates. Statistical analyses
are accompanied by uncertainty in the results. Why is this so? It is because statistics
are derived from samples that do not usually contain e very individual in the pop-
ulation under study. Because a sample cannot perfectly represent the population’s
properties, it has an inherent deficiency. The purpose of deriving any statistic is
mainly to extrapolate our findings to a much larger population of interest compared
to the sample size under study. Our certainty in the value of a statistic is often
conveyed in terms of confidence limits. In other words, an upper and lower bound is
specified that demarcates a range of values within which the statistic is known to lie
with some probability, say 95% probability or 95% confidence. A statistical value
implies a probable range of values. Therefore no statistic is known with complete
certainty unless the entire population of individuals is used to calculate the statistic,
in which case the statistical number is no longer an estimate but an exact description
of the population.
Probability theory applied to statistics allows us to draw inferences on population
characteristics. Probabilities are very useful for comparing the properties of two
different populations such as a control (or normal) group and a treated group.
A treated group could consist of living beings, cells, tissues, or proteins that have
been treated with some drug, while a control group refers to the untreated group.
Following treatment procedures, the experimentalist or clinical researcher wishes to
compare the differences in the statistical parameters (indicators), such as the mean
value of some observed characteristic of the population, that the treatment is
believed to alter. By comparing the properties of the treated group with that of the
untreated, one can use statistical methods to discern whether a treatment really had
an effect. One uses “probabilities” to convey the confidence in the observed differ-
ences. For exampl e, we may say that we are 99.9% confident that drug XYZ causes a
reduction in the blood pressure of adults (or that there is a 0.1% chance that the
Barring numerical error in the calculation of the statistic as discussed in Chapter 1.
Probability and statistics