hand, equations that exhibit stability (change in solution is on the same order of
magnitude as fluctuations in the equation parameters) constitute a well-conditioned
problem. The conditioning of a system of equations depends on the determinant of
the coefficient matrix.
(9) The condition number is a measure of the conditioning of a system of linear equations
and is defined as cond AðÞ¼kAkkA
k, where A is the coefficient matrix. Note that
cond(A) can take on values from one to infinity. Low condition numbers close to one
indicate a well-conditioned coefficient matrix. An ill-conditioned problem has a
large condition number.
Linear regression
(1) Experimental studies yield quantitative values that describe a relationship between
a dependent variable y and one or more independent variables x. It is useful to
obtain a mathematical model that relates the variables in the data set. The technique
of determining the model parameters that best describe the relationship between the
variables is called regression.
(2) The “best-fit” curve obtained on regressing data to the model approximates the data
to within some degree but does not predict the original data points exactly. The
residual is defined as the difference between the experimentally obtained value of y
and that predicted by the model. The residual (error) minimization criterion used to
obtain the “best-fit” curve is called the objective function.
(3) In linear regres sion , the function al dependence of the dependent variable y on the
model parameters is strictly linear. Since the number of data points is greater than
the number of unknowns, the system of linear equations is overdetermined and an
exact solution does not exist.
(4) The linear least-squares criterion minimizes the sum of the squared residuals for an
overdetermined system. This criterion produces the normal equations A
Ac ¼ A
which on solving yields c, the vector containing the model parameters. Note that A is
the coefficient matrix, and its size and structure depends on the model and the
number of data points in the data set.
(5) The coefficient of determination, R
, measures the quality of the fit between the model
and the data set; R
compares the sum of the squared residuals from the least-squares
, to the sum of the squared deviations,
2.14 Problems
Solving systems of linear equations
2.1. Types of solutions for systems of linear equations.
(a) Each equation below represents a straight line. If two lines intersect at one point,
then the system of two lines is said to possess a “unique solution.” What type of
solution do the following systems of equations (lines) have? Determine by solving
the equations by hand. Also plot the equations (lines) using MATLAB (plot
function) to understand the physical significance. In two-dimensional space, how
are lines oriented with respect to each other when no solution exists, i.e. the system
is inconsistent? What about when there exist infinitely many solutions?
(i) 2x þ 3 y ¼ 3; x þ 2y ¼ 1;
(ii) x þ 2y ¼ 5; 3x þ 6y ¼ 15;
(iii) 2x þ 3y ¼ 5; 4x þ 6y ¼ 11.
2.14 Problems