chance, 122
change, 34, 54–5, 81–3, 284
accidental vs. substantial, 82
character, 67, 72
Charlemagne, 125
choice, 70, 115
see also freedom of the will
Christianity, 102–5, 110, 144–5
Chrysippus, 95–6
church and state, 118, 130–1, 133,
Cicero, 99–100, 114
classes (logical), 43, 354–7
classes (political), 46, 305–6
Cleanthes, 95
clear and distinct perception, 213
Clement of Alexandria, 104
cogito ergo sum, 211, 288, 303
cognitive appearance, 98
Coleridge, S. T., 62, 272, 274
colours, 158, 231, 256, 374
common sense, 263–5
communism, 179
composite sense vs. divided sense, 170
compossibility, 249
concept script, 351
concepts, 132, 136, 252
concept vs. object, 355–6
conclusions, 65
Concord, temple of (Agrigento), 17
concrete universals, 42
conscience, 160, 343, 347–8
consciousness, 208, 212, 282
consent, 137
consequences, 160
consequentialists, 311–12
Constantine, 109, 183
Constantinople, 109, 111, 144, 183
consubstantiality, 110
contemplation, 74–5, 162
continence, 74
contingent vs. necessary, 35–6, 79, 242,
convention, 19
Copernicus, 199, 276
Corpus Christi, 155
cosmical concepts, 289–91
cosmological proofs, 291–5
counter-reformation, 195
courage, 46
creation, 83
see also eternity, of world
creeds, 111
criterion, 98
Crito, 31, 36
cruelty, 332
Crusades, 144
cycles, 15, 331
Cynicism, 95
Cyril of Alexandria, 113
Dante, 140, 145, 175
Darwin, Charles, 333–8, 334
death, 28, 32–6, 93–4, 242–3
deduction, 282
definite descriptions, 58, 359–62, 367
deism, 266, 272
Delphic oracle, 27
democracy, 26, 51, 76, 270
Democritus, 17–20, 56, 94
Descartes, René, 207–20, 209, 222,
228–9, 230, 236, 237, 240, 245,
285, 338, 377, 378
Discourse on Method, 208
life and works, 207–10
Meditations, 210–11, 212–17
description, definite, 58, 359–62, 367
determinism, 120, 291, 338
hard vs. soft, 291
deterrence, 313
dialectic, 44, 287
Hegelian, 303
Diderot, Denis, 266, 268
Diogenes, 95
Dionysius the Areopagite, 127
disputation, 146
divine law, 110, 162
divine right of kings, 225–6
divisibility, 18
dogmatism, 290, 299
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