Categories, 80–1
Ethics, 68–75, 148, 159, 162
History of Animals, plate 5
life and works, 61–3
Metaphysics, 79, 86–90, 141, 379
moral philosophy, 68–75
Poetics, 67–8
Politics, 75–7
Posterior Analytics, 63–6, 78
on science, 77–80
on the soul, 83–6
theory of nature of change, 81–3
translation of works, 148
arithmetic, 318, 353–9, 355
Arnauld, Antoine, 215
art, 324, 329
article, definite, 9, 360–2
articulate belief, 57–8
asceticism, 71, 326
assent, 341
association of ideas, 260, 345
astrology, 187, 198, 201
astronomy, 2, 78, 199–200
atheism, 27, 222, 266, 305, 329, 343
Athenian Empire 21–2, 23, 25, 92
schools, 92
atomic propositions, 367–8
atomism, 17–20, 94
see also logical atomism
attraction, 16, 19, 236
attributes, 42, 241
attunement, 35, 107
Augustine, St, 114–20, 116, 178
City of God, 117–19
Confessions, 115–17, 348–9
Austria-Hungary, 367
automation, 76
Averroes, 139–40
aviary, 57
Avicenna, 128–30, 132
Bacon, Francis, 201–2, 203
ball on cushion, 285
Barbara celarent, 149
Bayle, Pierre, 266
beauty, 35, 273, 324
behaviourism, 373, 378
being (= to be), 9, 10, 81, 359
Being (= what is), 9–14, 18, 59, 83, 303
Being qua being, 86–90, 166–7
belief, 49, 57–8, 259–60, 264, 340
Bellarmine, St Robert 201
Bentham, Jeremy, 309–14, 310
Berkeley, George, 233, 251–6, 260, 285,
Dialogues, 253–6
Principles, 251–2
Bernard, St, 135
Bessarion, Cardinal, 186
Bible, 9, 101–2, 110, 141–2, 181, 336
Blake, William
Ancient of Days 294
blindness, 256
body vs. soul, 33–6, 83–5, 94
see also dualism
Boethius, 121–3, 184
Bonaventure, St, 146–8, 165
Borgia family, 188–9
Bradwardine, Thomas, 178
brain, 213, 233, 379
Brown, Ford Madox, plate 15
Brownie the donkey, 168
Bruno, Giordano, 199, 200
Buridan, Jean, 164
Burley, Walter, 177
Butler, Joseph, 236
cabbala, 187
Calvin, John, 120, 194
candlelight, 169
capitalism, 306–8
Cartesian circle, 216
categorematic terms, 149
categorical imperative, 296–7
categories, 80–1, 280–2, 286
Catherine of Alexandria, Saint, plate 7
causation, 8, 79, 89, 167–8, 242, 260–3,
276, 318, 337
Cave, Platonic, 49–50
Chalcedon, Council of, 113–14
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