the philosophy of wittgenstein
Philosophical misunderstanding will not harm us if we restrict ourselves to
everyday tasks, using words within the contexts which are their primitive homes.
But if we start upon abstract studies – of mathematics, say, or of psychology, or
of theology – then our thinking will be hampered and distorted unless we can
free ourselves of philosophical confusion. Intellectual inquiry will be corrupted by
mythical notions of the nature of numbers or of the mind or of the soul.
Both early and late, Wittgenstein believed that the surface grammar of lan-
guage concealed its true nature. But whereas in the Tractatus what was concealed
was the complex nature of a thought buried deep in our minds, in the later phi-
losophy what was concealed, and had to be set out in plain view, was the diversity
of ways in which language functioned as a social, interpersonal, activity. Wittgenstein
thought that in his earlier work he had, like other philosophers, grossly over-
simplified the relation of language to the world. The connection between the
two was to consist of two features only: the linking of names to objects, and the
match or mismatch of propositions to facts. This, he now came to believe, was a
great mistake. Words look like each other, in the same way as a clutch looks very
like a foot-brake; but words differ from each other in function as much as the
mechanisms which are operated by the two pedals. Wittgenstein now emphasized
that language was interwoven with the world in many very different ways: and to
refer to these tie-ups he coined the expression ‘language-game’. ‘We remain un-
conscious of the prodigious diversity of all the everyday language-games because
the clothing of our language makes everything alike.’
Wittgenstein gives as examples of language-games obeying and giving orders,
describing the appearance of objects, expressing sensations, giving measurements,
constructing an object from a description, reporting an event, speculating about
an event, making up stories, acting plays, guessing riddles, telling jokes, asking,
cursing, greeting, and praying. He also speaks of language-games with particular
words. Wittgenstein was not putting forward a general theory of language-games:
the use of the expression is simply meant to stress that words cannot be under-
stood outside the context in which they are used. We need, in giving an account
of the meaning of a word, to look for the part it plays in our life. The use of
‘game’ is not intended to suggest that language is something trivial; the word was
chosen because games exhibit the same kind of variety as linguistic activities do.
Some games are competitive, others not so; some have rules, others are spontan-
eous; some are played with balls, others on boards; some demand skill, others do
not. There is no common feature which marks all games as games: rather, different
games share different features with each other as different members of the same
family will resemble each other not in one single way but in a variety of ways.
Similarly, there is no one feature which is essential to language; there are only
family-likenesses between the countless language-games.
Philosophy does, in a sense, show us the essence of language, but not by
revealing the existence of some ghostly mechanism lurking within us, but by
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