the philosophy of wittgenstein
nineteenth century which presented philosophy as a super-science. But his thought
is not as discontinuous with the great tradition of Western philosophy as he some-
times seems to have believed. Of course Wittgenstein was hostile to metaphysics,
to the pretensions of rationalistic philosophy to prove the existence of God, the
immortality of the soul, and to go far beyond the bounds of experience. He was
hostile to that; but then so was Kant. Wittgenstein was insistent that all our
intellectual inquiries depend for the possibility of their existence on all kinds of
simple, natural, inexplicable, original impulses of the human mind; but so was
Hume. Wittgenstein was insistent that philosophy was something which each
person must do for himself, and involves the will more than the intellect; but
so was Descartes. Wittgenstein was anxious that the philosopher should distin-
guish between parts of speech which grammarians lump together; within the
broad category of verbs, for example, the philosopher has to distinguish between
processes, conditions, dispositions, states, and so on. But almost word for word
the distinctions which Wittgenstein makes correspond to distinctions made by
Aristotle and his followers.
Though Wittgenstein, throughout his life, made a sharp distinction between
philosophy and science, his philosophy has implications for other disciplines.
Philosophy of mind, for instance, is important for empirical psychology. It is not
that the philosopher is in possession of information which the psychologist lacks,
or has explored areas of the psyche where no psychologist has ventured. What the
philosopher can clarify is the psychologists’ starting point, namely, the everyday
concepts we use in describing the mind, and the criteria on the basis of which
mental powers, states, and processes are attributed to people.
Philosophy of mind has often been a battleground between dualists and beha-
viourists. Dualists regard the human mind as independent of the body and separ-
able from it; for them the connection between the two is a contingent and not a
necessary one. Behaviourists regard reports of mental acts and states as disguised
reports of pieces of bodily behaviour, or at best of tendencies to behave bodily in
certain ways. Wittgenstein rejected both dualism and behaviourism. He agreed with
dualists that particular mental events could occur without accompanying bodily
behaviour; he agreed with behaviourists that the possibility of describing mental
events at all depends on their having, in general, an expression in behaviour. On
his view, to ascribe a mental event or state to someone is not to ascribe to her any
kind of bodily behaviour; but such ascription can only sensibly be made to beings
which have the capability of behaviour of the appropriate kind.
Wittgenstein was hostile not only to the behaviourist attempt to identify the
mind with behaviour, but also to the materialist attempt to identify the mind with
the brain. Human beings and their brains are physical objects; minds are not.
This is not a metaphysical claim: to deny that a mind has a length or breadth or
location is not to say that it is a spirit. Materialism is a grosser philosophical error
than behaviourism because the connection between mind and behaviour is a more
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