three modern masters
He continued in practice in Vienna until the 1930s, and published a series of
highly readable books constantly modifying and refining his psychoanalytic the-
ories. Fear of Nazi persecution forced him to migrate to England in 1938, and he
died there at the beginning of the Second World War.
In his Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis Freud sums up psychoanalytic
theory in two fundamental premises: the first is that the greater part of our
mental life, whether of feeling, thought or volition, is unconscious; the second is
that sexual impulses, broadly defined, are supremely important not only as poten-
tial causes of mental illness but as the motor of artistic and cultural creation. If
the sexual element in the work of art and culture remains largely unconscious,
this is because socialization demands the sacrifice of basic instincts, which become
sublimated, that is to say, diverted from their original goals and channelled
towards socially desirable activities. But sublimation is an unstable state, and
untamed and unsatisfied sexual instincts may take their revenge through mental
illness and disorder.
The existence of the unconscious is revealed, Freud believes, in three ways:
through everyday trivial mistakes, through reports of dreams, and through the
symptoms of neurosis.
What Freud called ‘parapraxes’, but are nowadays known as Freudian slips, are
common episodes such as failure to recall names, slips of the tongue, and mislay-
ing of objects. Freud gives many examples. A professor at Vienna, in his inaugural
lecture, instead of saying, according to his script, ‘I have no intention of under-
rating the achievements of my illustrious predecessor’ said ‘I have every intention
of underrating the achievements of my illustrious predecessor.’ Some years after
the sinking of the liner Lusitania, a husband, asking his estranged wife to rejoin
him across the Atlantic, wrote ‘Come across on the Lusitania’, when he meant to
write ‘Come across on the Mauretania’. In each case Freud regards the slip as a
better guide to the man’s state of mind than the words consciously chosen.
Freud’s explanations of parapraxes are most convincing where – as in the cases
above – they reveal a state of mind of which the person was aware but merely
did not wish to express. This reveals no very deep level of unconscious inten-
tion. Matters are different when we come to the second method of tapping into
the unconscious: the analysis of dream reports. ‘The interpretation of dreams’,
Freud says, ‘is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the
mind.’ Dreams, he maintained, were almost always the fulfilment, in fantasy, of
a repressed wish. He admitted that comparatively few dreams are obvious repre-
sentations of the satisfaction of a wish, and many dreams, such as nightmares or
anxiety dreams, seem to be just the opposite. Freud dealt with this by insisting
that dreams were symbolic in nature, encoded by the dreamer in order to make
them appear innocuous. He distinguished between the manifest content of the
dream, which is what the dreamer reports, and the latent content of the dream,
which was the true meaning once the symbols had been decoded.
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