ibel bozdo
and elite culture, whether of the West or of classic Islam, as defended – for
example – by the painters Mehmet G
uz and Erol Akyavas¸ respectively.
By contrast, a younger generation of ‘postmodern’ artists and intellectuals
embrace popular culture, ethnic mixings and hybrid experiences as the very
reality of Turkish identity, between East and West, between country and city,
between modern aspirations and their constant frustration. What Latife Tekin
has accomplished in literature
and Fatih Akin in cinema,
the paintings of
un Karamustafa have accomplished in art. Some of Karamustafa’s work
uses arabesk motifs and a kind of ‘kitsch aesthetic’ to offer a critique of elitism.
Another young artist, Nur Koc¸ak, directly engages with trends such as Amer-
ican hyperrealism and photo-realism in order to problematise the boundaries
between art and advertisement.
Contemporary and avant-garde artistic experiments, especially the New
Tendencies Exhibitions (Yeni E
gilimler Sergileri) have taken hold in Istanbul
since the art festivals of the Academy of Fine Arts in the late 1970s. Con-
ceptual art, multi-media installations and the influence of currents like ‘Arte
Povera’ and ‘New Realism’ were represented in these exhibitions, challeng-
ing both the more conventional art of the establishment and the ideological
impositions of the traditional left in Turkey. The conceptual artworks, spatial
installations and collages of S¸
u Aysan, Serhat Kiraz and their Art Defini-
tion Collective (Sanat Tanımı Toplulu
gu, STT) were important pioneering
experiments. Other young artists such as Canan Baykal, G
un Karamustafa,
Ays¸e Erkmen, Hale Tenger, Erda
g Aksel and Adem Genc¸ occupy the cutting
edge of contemporary Turkish art, participating in major international art
events. The number of Turkish artists living and working abroad has also sub-
stantially increased in this period, now including first- and second-generation
immigrants permanently settled in Europe and the US. Accomplished sculptor
Azade Koker (Berlin), artists Adem Yılmaz (Cologne), S¸
ukran Aziz (NewYork),
Canan Tolon (San Francisco) Utku Varlık (Paris) and the ceramic artist Alev
Ebuzziya Siesbye (Denmark) are some of the better-known names. Within
Turkey, Bedri Baykam, arguably the most colourful personality on the Turk-
ish scene as an artist, public figure and political activist, combined abstract
expressionism, graffiti and political content in his earlier paintings. In 1994,he
made a show of his secularist Kemalist political activism in the form of an art
installation titled Kuvay-i Milliye, and has embarked upon a second career as an
47 See L. Tekin, Berji Kristin: Tales from the Garbage Hills (New York: Marion Boyars, 1992);
L. Tekin, Dear Shameless Death (New York: Marion Boyars, 2001).
48 Especially his Crossing the Bridge: The Sound of Istanbul.(2005), a documentary of the
various popular music genres in Istanbul.