overview, 51–52, 93–94
, 976
straight-chain alkanes, 79, 86–88
synthesis by Clemmensen reduction, 645, 686,
synthesis by desulfuration, 253, 257
synthesis by disproportionation reactions,
471–72, 473–74, 506
synthesis by hydrogenation of alkenes and
alkynes, 452, 458
synthesis by Wolff–Kishner reduction, 645,
686, 802
See also specific types
Alkene halogenation. See Halogenation
Alkene hydrohalogenation
conjugated dienes, 369–70, 404, 534–35,
definition, 365, 414
HX addition to alkynes, 444–47
HX hydration of alkenes,380–84, 404
mechanism for hydrogen bromide addition,
radical alkene hydrohalogenation, 485
radical HX hydration of alkenes, 481–87
rearrangements during HX addition, 386–89,
See also Alkenes, addition reactions; Alkyl
halides; Halogenation
acid–base chemistry, 130
biological activity, 142–43
bonding, 99–107
cis and trans coupling constant (J
, J
), 732
derivatives, 107–10
dimerization and polymerization, 384–86,
heat of formation 116–18, 126, 515
heat of hydrogenation, 580
heats of hydrogenation, 413
isomers, 108–10
molecular formula, 98, 130
molecular orbitals, 103–4
nomenclature, 110–12
overview, 98, 142
physical properties, 123
pi orbitals, 98, 104, 125
relative stability of isomers, 116–18
rotational energy barriers, 105–6, 107,
144, 522
stabilizing effect of 2p/2p overlap, 105–6
structure, 99, 105–7
synthesis by alkyne reduction by sodium in
ammonia, 452–55, 458
synthesis by disproportionation reactions,
471–72, 473–74, 506
synthesis by syn hydrogenation of alkynes,
452, 458
synthesis by Wittig reaction, 811–13, 817
from thermal elimination of esters, 912–14,
types of carbon–carbon σ bonds in isomers,
See also Alkenes, addition reactions;
Alkenes, addition reactions
acid-catalyzed hydration reactions, 139–41,
143, 381–82, 403, 773, 775–76
activation energy ( G°), 136
bromine addition to alkenes, 396
Brønsted acids, general case, 131
carbocation intermediate, 132–33, 135–36, 140
dimerization and polymerization, 384–86,
488–89, 1045–46, 1074
HX hydration of alkenes,380–84, 404
hydrogen chloride addition to 2,3-dimethyl-2-
butene, 131–32, 133–36, 365–67, 374
inductive effects, 378–80
mechanism of hydrogen halide addition,
132–36, 138–39, 365–66
overview, 364–65, 402–4, 410, 456–60
oxidation with permanganate or osmium
oxymercuration, 421–23, 448, 458
ozonolysis, 436–40
problem solving techniques, 110, 139, 141
protonation step, 133, 365–66, 385
radical addition to alkenes, 481–87, 484–86
radical HX hydration of alkenes, 481–87
radical-induced tetrahalide addition to alkenes,
rate-determining step,365–66
reaction energetics, 135–36
rearrangements during HX addition, 386–89,
regiochemistry, 137–39, 141, 366–72
ring formation through addition reactions, 457
transition states, 136
See also Alkene hydrohalogenation; Alkenes;
Alkynes, addition reactions; Epoxidation;
Halogenation; Hydroboration;
Alkoxide ion
comparison to carboxylate anion, 834
from deprotonation of alcohols, 236–37, 249,
315, 834, 1081–82
dimethyl sulfate treatment for methyl ether
formation, 285
formation by sodium hydride, 315
oxirane formation, 317, 1083
from reaction of metallic sodium or potassium
with alcohols, 315
from reaction of sodium hydroxide with
alcohols, 315–16
stabilization by alkyl groups in gas phase, 238
stabilization by solvents, 237
Alkylamines, 241, 247, 318, 1181–82
Alkyl compounds, general, 69, 78–81, 141
Alkyl halides
alkyl bromides from Hunsdiecker reaction,
861, 869
bonding, 226, 227
conversion to organometallic reagents, 227–30,
cycloalkyl bromide reactivities in S
2 reactions,
dipole moments, 226
formation by ether cleavage, 282–83
formation with phosphorus reagents, 285
geminal dihalides, 447, 459
Grignard reagent formation, 228–29, 257
HX hydration of alkenes,380–84, 404
hydrocarbon formation,229–30
nomenclature, 225–26
properties, 225
radical HX hydration of alkenes, 481–87
substitution reactions, 267–68
synthesis by addition of hydrogen halides to
alkenes, 132–36, 138–39, 141, 144
synthesis by protonation of alcohol with
haloacid, 142, 144, 282
synthesis by S
1 or S
2 reactions, 322
tetrahalide formation from alkynes, 448, 459
from thionyl chloride treatment of alcohols,
vicinal dihalides, 414, 448, 459, 490, 499, 507
See also Alkene hydrohalogenation;
Alkyl shifts, 387–88, 642
acidity of terminal alkynes, 129–30
alkyne radical anions, 453–54
allenes as intermediates in isomerization,
derivatives and isomers, 126–28
heats of formation and relative stability, 126
molecular formula, 98, 131
nomenclature, 126, 127
physical properties, 129
pi orbitals, 125
in rings, 128
structure and bonding, 123–25, 128
See also Acetylene; Alkynes, addition reactions;
Triple bonds
Alkynes, addition reactions
HX addition to alkynes, 444–47
hydroboration, 450–51
hydrogenation, 452
oxymercuration, 448, 459
radical-induced anti-Markovnikov addition,
489–90, 507
reduction by sodium in ammonia (anti-
hydrogenation), 452–55
tetrahalide formation from alkynes, 448, 459
reagent addition to alkynes, 447–48
See also Alkenes, addition reactions; Alkynes
Alkynyl hydrogens, 724–25
Allene (propadiene), 178, 513–14, 921
Allenes, 178, 513–15, 516–18
See also Cumulated double bonds
D-Allose, 1129, 1138, 1143, 1145, 1160
Allyl alcohol, 231
Allyl anion (allylic anion),27–28, 543–44,
589, 934
Allyl cation (allylic cation)
delocalization of electrons, 27, 369–70
hydrogen chloride addition to 1,3-butadiene,
molecular orbitals, 369–70
resonance forms, 27, 28, 369–71, 535
resonance-stabilized formation in S
reactions, 538, 541–42, 564
1 solvolysis reactions, 541–42
Allyl compounds, 108, 326
Allyl halides, 404, 541–43, 564, 612
Allylic halogenation, 497–501, 507, 543
Allylic hydrogens, chemical shift 724
Allyl iodide (3-iodopropene), 541, 543
Allyl radical, 475, 480, 498–99, 512, 543
Allyl system, 2p orbital overlap, 369–70, 541
-helix, 1191, 1192
position, definition, 763, 933
See also Carbonyl compounds, reactions at
D-Altrose,1129, 1138, 1143, 1160
Aluminum alkoxides, 1005–6, 1012
Aluminum bromide (AlBr
), 361, 640, 646, 687