is fixed regardless of mismatch. This is some-
times called a knife gate.
Although it is perhaps self-evident, touch and
knife gates are not viable as knock-off gates on
the modern designs of accurate, thin-walled,
aluminium alloy castings. This is simply because
the gate has a thickness similar to the casting, so
that on trying to break it off, the casting itself
bends! The breaking off technique works only
for strong, chunky castings, or for relatively
brittle alloys.
The system was said to be unsuitable for
aluminium-bronze and manganese-bronze, both
of which are strong film-forming alloys (Schmidt
and Jacobson 1970), although this discouraging
conclusion was probably the result of the runner
being usually moulded in the cope and the
castings in the drag and a consequence of their
poor filling system, generating quantities of
oxide films that would threaten to choke gates.
The unfortunate fall into the mould cavity would
further damage quality, as was confirmed by
Ward and Jacobs (1962). They found that uphill
filling of the mould was essential to providing
a casting quality that would produce a perfect
cosmetic polish.
The system has been studied for a number of
aluminium alloys (Askeland and Holt 1975),
although the poor gating and downhill filling
used in this work appears to have clouded the
results. Even so, the study implies that a better
quality of filling system with runner in the drag
and casting impressions in the cope could be
important and rewarding.
The fundamental fear that the liquid may jet
through the narrow gate may be unfounded. In
fact, there may actually be no jetting problem at
all. This appears to be a result of the high sur-
face tension of liquid metals. Whereas water
might be expected to jet through such a narrow
constriction, liquid aluminium is effectively
compressed when forced in to any section less
than its natural sessile drop height of 12.5 mm.
The action of a melt progressing through a thin
gate, equipped with an even thinner section
formed by a sharp notch was observed for alu-
minium alloys in the author's laboratory by
Cunliffe (1994). The gate was 4 mm thick and
the thickness under the various notches was
only 1 to 2 mm. The progress of the melt along
the section was observed via a glass window
from above. The metal was seen to approach,
cross the notch constriction, and continue on its
way without hindrance, as though the notch
constriction did not exist! This can only be
explained if the melt immediately re-expands to
fill the channel after passing the notch. It seems
the liquid meniscus, acting like a compressed,
doubled-over leaf spring, immediately expands
back to fill the channel when the point of highest
compression is passed.
If the surface turbulence through touch
gates is tolerable, or minimal, then they deserve
to be much more widely used. It would be so
welcome to be able to end the drudgery of
sawing castings off running systems, together
with the noise and the waste. With good
quality metal provided by a good front end to
the filling system, and uphill filling of the
mould cavity after the gate, it seems likely that
this device could work well. It would probably
not require much work to establish a proper
design code for such a practice.
The pencil gate Many large rolls for a variety
of industries are made from grey cast iron in
greensand moulds. They often contain a
massive proportion of grey iron chills around
the roll barrel to develop the white iron wear
surface of the roll. It is less common nowadays
to cast rolls in loam moulds produced by
strickling. (Loam is a sand mixture containing
high percentages of clay and water, like a mud,
which allow it to be formed by sleeking into
place. It needs to be thoroughly dried prior to
casting.) Steel rolls are similarly cast.
Where the roll is solid, it is often bottom-
gated tangentially into its base. Where the roll
or cylinder is hollow, it may be centrifugally
cast, or it may be produced by a special kind of
top gating technique using pencil gates.
Figure 2.35c represents a cross-section
through a mould for a roll casting. Such a
casting might weigh over 60 000 kg, and have
dimensions up to 5 m diameter by 5 m face
length, with a wall thickness 80 mm (Turner and
Owen 1964). It is cast by pouring into an open
circular runner, and the metal is metered into
the mould by a series of pencil gates. The metal
falls freely through the complete height of the
mould cavity, gradually building up the casting.
The metal±mould combination of grey iron in
greensand is reasonably tolerant of surface tur-
bulence. In addition, the heavy-section thick-
ness gives a solidification time in excess of
30 minutes, allowing a useful time for the floating
out and separation of much of the oxide
entrained by splashing. The splashing is limited
by the slimness of the falling streams from the
narrow pencil gates.
The solidification geometry is akin to con-
tinuous casting. The slow, controlled build-up
of the casting ensures that the temperature
gradient is high, and thus favouring good feed-
ing. The feeder head on top of the casting is
therefore only minimal, since much of the cast-
ing will have solidified by the time the feeder is
54 Castings Practice: The 10 Rules of Castings