about the dire dangers of a vortex, and some
basins are provided with a flat side to
discourage its formation. In fact, however,
this so-called disadvantage would only have
substance if the vortex continued down the
length of the sprue, along the runner and into
the mould cavity. This is unlikely. Usually, a
vortex will `bottom out,' giving an air-free
flow into the remaining runner system as will
be discussed later. This imagined problem is
almost certainly the least of the difficulties
introduced by the conical basin.
If this long list of faults was not already damning
enough, it is made even worse for a variety of
reasons. A basin that is too large for the sprue
entrance (Figure 2.8b) jets metal horizontally off
the exposed ledge formed by the top of the
mould, creating much turbulence and preventing
the filling of the sprue. The problem is unseen by
the caster, who, because he is keeping the basin
full, imagines he is doing a good job. The
cup shape of the basin (Figure 2.8c) is bad for
the same reason. The basin that is too small
(Figure 2.8d) has painful memories for the writer:
a casting with an otherwise excellent running
system was repeatedly wrecked by such a simple
oversight! Again, the caster thought he was doing
a good job. However, the aspirated air caused
a staggering amount of bubble damage in an
aluminium sump casting.
The expansion of the sprue entrance to act as
a basin (Figure 2.8e) may hold the record for air
entrainment (however the author has no plans
to expend effort investigating this black claim).
Worse still, the top of this awful device is usually
not sufficiently wide that the pourer can fill it
because it is too small to hit with the stream of
metal without the danger of much metal spla-
shed all over the top of the mould and sur-
roundings. Thus this combined `basin/sprue'
necessarily runs partially empty for most of the
time. Furthermore, the velocity of the melt is
increased as the jet is compressed into the nar-
row exit from the sprue (this point is discussed
in detail later). The elongated tapered basin
system has been misguidedly chosen for its ease
of moulding. There could hardly be a worse way
to introduce metal to the mould.
For very small castings weighing only a few
grams, and where the sprue is only a few milli-
metres diameter, there is a strong element of
control of the filling of the sprue by surface
tension. For such small castings the conical
pouring cup probably works tolerably well. It is
simple and economical, and, probably fills well
enough. This is as much good as can be said
about the conical basin. Probably even this is
praising too highly.
Where the conical cup is filled with a hand
ladle held just above the cone, the fall distance
of about 50 mm above the entrance to the sprue
results in a speed of entry into the sprue of
approximately 1 m s
. At such speeds the basin
is probably least harmful. On the other hand,
where the conical cup is used to funnel metal
into the running system when poured directly
from a furnace, or from many automatic pour-
ing systems, the distance of fall is usually much
greater, often 200 to 500 mm. In such situations
the rate of entry of the metal into the system is
probably several metres per second. From the
bottom-poured ladles in steel foundries the
metal head is usually over 1 m giving an entry
velocity of 5 m s
. This situation highlights one
of the drawbacks of the conical pouring basin; it
contains no mechanism to control the speed of
entry of liquid.
The pouring cup needs to be kept full of
metal during the whole duration of the pour. If
it is allowed to empty at any stage then air and
dross will enter the system. Many castings have
been spoiled by a slow pour, where the pouring
is carried out too slowly, allowing the stream to
dribble down the sprue, or simply poured down
the centre without touching the sides of the
sprue, and without filling the basin at all (which
is the trouble with the expanded sprue type).
Alternatively, harm can be done by inattention,
so that the pour is interrupted, allowing the
bush to empty and air to enter the down-runner
before pouring is restarted. Even so, because of
the small volume of the basin, it is not easily
kept full so that these dangers are a constant
threat to the quality of the casting.
Unfortunately, even keeping the pouring cup
full during the pour is no guarantee of good
castings if the cup exit and the sprue entrance
are not well matched, as we have seen above.
This is the most important reason for moulding
the cup and the filling system integral with the
mould if possible.
Finally, even if the pour is carried out as well
as possible, any witness of the filling of a conical
basin will need no convincing that the high
velocity of filling, aimed straight into the top of
the sprue, will cause oxides and air to be carried
directly into the running system, and so into the
casting. For castings where quality is at a pre-
mium, or where castings are simply required to
be adequate but repeatable, the conical basin is
definitely not recommended.
Inert gas shroud
A shroud is the cloth draped as a traditional
covering over a coffin. This sober meaning does
26 Castings Practice: The 10 Rules of Castings