or closed. Any attempt to adjust the rate of
delivery results in sprays of steel in all directions.
In addition to this problem, as the bottom-
teemed ladle gradually empties it reduces its rate
of delivery. In the case of pouring a single
casting from a ladle, it is fortunate that the
filling system for the casting actually requires a
falling rate of delivery as the net head (the level
in the basin minus the level of metal in the
mould) of metal driving the flow around the
filling system gradually falls to zero. Even so, it
is clear that the two rates are independently
changing, and may be poorly matched at times.
The match of speeds might be so bad that the
basin runs empty, but even well before this
moment, filling conditions are expected to be
bad. At a filling level beneath the designed fill
level in the basin the top of the liquid will appear
to be covering the entrance to the sprue, but
underneath, the sprue will not be completely
filled, and so will be taking down air. It is
essential therefore to ensure, somehow, that the
level in the basin remains at least up to its
designed level. At this time the problem of
satisfactorily matching speeds can only be
solved in detail by computer. Most software
designed to simulate the filling of castings
should be able to tackle this problem. However,
it is perhaps more easily solved by simply having
a basin with greatly increased depth, for
instance perhaps up to four times the design
depth. The ladle nozzle size is then chosen to
deliver at a higher rate, causing the basin to
overfill its design level, and so effectively run-
ning the casting at an increased speed. This
increased speed is far preferable to the danger of
underfilling the basin with the consequential
ingestion of air into the melt.
In general therefore, a greatly increased
depth to the basin is very much to be recom-
mended. The problem of overfilling and
increased speed of running may not be as serious
as it might first appear. The reason is quickly
appreciated. If the rate of delivery from the ladle
is 40 per cent higher (a factor of 2
) than the
designed rate of filling of the casting, the height
of metal in the pouring basin will rise to a level
twice as high (provided the basin has been
provided with sufficient depth of course). A
basin four times the minimum height will
accommodate delivery from the ladle at up to
twice as fast as the running system was designed
for. The increase in pressure that this provides
will drive the filling system to meet the higher
rate. (Notice that the narrow sprue exit is not
acting as a so-called choke, illustrating how
wrong this concept is.) Thus the system is,
within limits, automatically self-compensating if
the basin has been provided with sufficient
freeboard. It is important therefore to make
sure that offset stepped basins in collaboration
with a bottom poured ladle do have sufficient
additional height.
The preferred option to overfill the basin in
terms of height is valuable in the other common
experience of using a large bottom-pour ladle to
fill a succession of castings. Let us take as an
example a 20 000 kg ladle that is required to
pour nine castings each of 2000 kg. (The final
2000 kg in the ladle will probably be discarded
because it will pour too slowly, contain too
much slag and be too low in temperature; there
are sometimes real problems when pouring
successive castings from one ladle.) The first
castings will be poured extremely rapidly
because the head of metal in the ladle will be
high. However, the most serious problem is that
the final castings in the sequence will be poured
slowly, perhaps too slowly, and so might suffer
severe damage from air entrainment.
The important precaution therefore is to
ensure that the final casting is still poured suf-
ficiently quickly that the minimum height in the
pouring basin is still met. This is a key require-
ment, and will ensure that the final casting is
good. Thus all of the filling design should be
based on the filling conditions for the last cast-
ing. Clearly, all the preceding castings will all be
overpressurized by increased heights of metal in
their pouring basins, and so will fill corre-
spondingly faster, with correspondingly higher
velocities entering the mould. This should be
checked to ensure that the velocities are not so
very high as to cause unacceptable damage.
Usually, this approach can be made to work
out well.
In some cases the first castings may have their
pouring basins filled high, but the metal not yet
arrived in the feeders to give a signal to the
operator to stop pouring. In this case the only
option is to monitor the progress of the pour by
some other factor, such as precise timing, or
better still, a direct read-out load cell on the
overhead hoist carrying the ladle.
The matching of the speed of delivery from
the ladle with the speed of flow out of the
pouring basin is greatly assisted if the rate of
delivery from the ladle is known. This is a
complex problem dependent on the height of
metal in the ladle, its diameter, and the diameter
of the nozzle. The interaction of all these factors
can be assessed using the nomogram provided in
the Appendix.
The sharp-edged or undercut offset weir basin
In addition to the matching of the rate of flow
between the ladle and the casting, there are
Rule 2. Avoid turbulent entrainment 31