Calcium silicide, 2
filling system design, 93±101, 192
record, 192
Carbon boil, 5
Carbon monoxide, 5, 117
Cast iron feeding, 128
Cavitation (pompous and incorrect term for
surface sink)
Centrifugal casting, 54, 55, 76
Centrifugal trap, see Swirl trap
Ceramic tube running system, see preformed
channels, 36, 41
bifilm redistribution effects, 146
ceramic wash coat, 118
cooling effect, 127, 133, 146±50
feeding distance effect, 135±7
segregation promotion by chills, 163±4
segregation reduction by chills, 165
sprue exit, 23±4, 36±7, 98
runner entrance, 41
Chromium alloyed cast iron, 23
Chvorinov, 126
Clamping points, 177±8
Clay-based core repair pastes, 116
Cobalt aluminate, 159
Coffee cup experiment, 138±9
Cold shut, see Lap, cold
Computer simulation
critical tests, 145, 151
flow simulation, 100
limitations, 124, 160, 181±2
outgassing pressure simulation, 119
segregation prediction, 164±5
solidification optimisation, 133, 149, 155
solidification simulation, 94, 123, 124, 127, 130,
145, 146
stress prediction, 167
surface turbulence prediction, 102
Condensation on chills, 150, 155
Conductivity, thermal, 147, 168
Contact pouring, 27
Continuous casting:
DC (direct chill) Al casting, 7, 168
Ni-base horizontal, 3
roll casting analogue, 54
Convection, 101, 124 (twice), 146, 152, 157±62
Cooling fin, see Fin
Copper-based alloys, 12, 164
feeding distance, 136, 137
fin effect, 52, 128 (twice)
mould rigidity and casting soundness, 124
adhesive, glue, 181
assembly, 181, 183
assembly automation, 185
assembly jig, 181
blows, see Blows
cake core, 184
costs, 184±5
elimination if possible, 184
print design, 184
repair pastes, 116
Costs, 10,
Cosworth process:
accuracy of pick-up, 176
angled filling possibility, 105
bubble entrainment danger, 112
convection control/roll over, 105, 157, 158, 162
counter gravity control, 74±75
critical velocity experience, 10
gating design, 52
grain refinement experience, 6
metal handling and quality, 4 (twice), 12
Counter gravity casting, 9, 10, 19, 49, 72±5, 145, 157±61
yield benefit, 128, 145±6
Cracks (edge), 146
Criteria functions, 137
Critical fall height, 11, 13, 33, 72
Critical ingate velocity, 17±19, 191
Critical temperature range during quenching, 169
Crystal lattice, 120
Cycle time for gravity die, 122
Cylinder heads and blocks, 110, 161, 168±9, 176,
177, 185
Dam, 29
Datum planes, 175±6
Al alloys, 5
chemical fixation, 4, 5
Dendrite arm spacing, 109, 163
Dendritic advance of flow front, 105
Deoxidation of steel, 5, 86, 113
Die castings (USA, see Pressure die castings)
Die, see also Gravity, Low Pressure, Pressure Die
coat, 124
cooling, 125
Diffraction mottle, 140
Diffusion bonding, 150
Diffusion distance:
heat, 168
solute, 163
heat, 147±148
thermal, 147, 168±169
Dilation of mould/casting, see Mould rigidity
Dimensional control, 126 (twice), 170, 172±173
Directional solidification, 133, see also Heuvers
Discharge coefficient, 28±29
casting, 172±173, 186
shot blasting, 186
tooling, 183
Dross, 117
200 Index