Webster (1964) carried out some early
exploratory experiments to determine optimum
runner sizes. We can summarize his results in
terms of the comparative areas of the runner/
sprue exit. He found that a runner that has only
the same area as the sprue exit (ratio 1) will have
a metal velocity that is high. A ratio of 2 he
claims is close to optimum since the runner fills
rapidly and excludes air bubbles reasonably
efficiently. A ratio of 3 starts to be difficult to
fill; and a ratio of 4 is usually simply wasteful for
most castings. Webster's work was a prophesy,
foretelling the dangers of large runners that
foundries have, despite all this good advice,
continued to use.
For the best results, however, recent careful
studies have made clear that even the expansion
of the area of flow by a factor of 2 is not easy to
achieve without a serious amount of surface
turbulence. This is now known from video
X-ray radiographic studies, and from detailed
examination of the scatter of mechanical prop-
erties of castings using highly sensitive Weibull
The best that can easily be achieved without
damage is merely the reduction of about
20 per cent in velocity by the friction of the
sprue/runner bend, necessitating a 20 per cent
increase in area of the runner as has been dis-
cussed above. Any greater expansion of the
runner will cause the runner to be incompletely
filled, and so permit conditions for damage.
Greater speed reductions, and thus greater
opportunities for expansion of the runner occur
if the number of right-angle bends is increased,
since the factor of 0.8 reduction in speed is
cumulative from one bend to the next. After
three such bends the speed is reduced by half
(0.8 0.8 0.8 0.5). Right-angle bends were
anathema in filling system designs when large
cross-sections were the norm. However, with
very narrow systems, there is less room for
surface turbulence. Even so, great care has to be
taken. For instance video X-ray studies have
confirmed that the bends operate best if their
internal and external radii provide a parallel
channel. The lack of an external radius can
cause a reflected wave in larger channels.
One of the most effective devices to reduce
the speed of flow in the runner is the use of a
filter. The close spacing of the walls of its
capillaries ensures a high degree of viscous drag.
Flow rate can often be reduced by a factor of
4 or 5. This is a really valuable feature, and
actually explains nearly all of the beneficial
action of the filter (i.e. when using good quality
metal in a well-designed filling system the filter
does very little filtering. Its really important
action in improving the quality of castings is its
reduction of velocity). The use of filters is
considered later (Section 2.3.6).
There has over the years been a considerable
interest in the concept of the separation of sec-
ond phases in the runner. Jeancolas et al. (1969)
carried out experiments on ferrous metals to
show that at Reynold's numbers below the
range 7000±12 000, suspended particles of alu-
mina could be deposited in the runner but at
values in excess of 15 000, they could not pre-
cipitate. Although these findings underline the
importance of working with the minimum flow
velocities wherever possible, it is quickly
shown that for a steel casting of height 1 m,
giving a velocity of flow of 4.5 m s
, for
Z 5.5 10
N s m
, and for a runner of
80 mm square, Re is over 100 000. Thus it seems
that conditions for the deposition of solid
materials such as sand and refractory particles
in runners will not be easily met. Even so, every
cast iron foundry worker knows that slag will
accumulate on the tops of runners, where it is
much to be preferred than in the casting.
Separation in this case happens because of the
great difference in density between the slag and
the metal, and because of the large size of the
slag droplets. Thus there are some conditions in
which a slow runner speed is valuable to assist
cleaning the metal.
If there is a choice, the runner should be
moulded in the lower half of the mould (the
drag). As emphasized previously, this will
encourage the runner to fill completely prior to
rising through the gates (moulded for preference
in the cope) and into the mould cavity.
The basic plan of the filling design starts to
become clear: the metal arrives in some chaos at
the bottom of the sprue. Here, after this initial
trauma, it is gathered together once again by the
integrating action of a feature such as a filter to
provide some delay and back-pressure, after
which it is allowed to rise steadily against
gravity, filling section after section of the run-
ning system, and finally arriving in the mould in
good order at a speed below the critical velocity.
It should be noted that such a logical system
and its consequential orderly fill is not to be
taken for granted. For instance, a usual mistake
is to mould the runner in the cope. This is
mainly because the gates, which are in either the
drag or the cope, will inevitably start to fill and
allow metal into the mould cavity before the
runner is full, as is clear from Figure 2.3a. The
traditional running of cast iron in this way fails
to achieve its potential in its intended separation
of metal and slag. This is because the first metal
and its load of slag enters the gates immediately,
prior to the filling of the runner, and thus prior
to the chance that the slag can be trapped
Rule 2. Avoid turbulent entrainment 43