Table 6.4: HGMS of a sulphide flotation concentrate (China) [Z8].
Parameter Feed Magnetics Non-magnetics
Grade [%]
Cu 8.97 18.68 3.24
Pb 3.64 0.72 5.36
Zn 40.30 18.47 53.18
Recovery [%]
Cu 100 77.28 22.72
Pb 100 7.34 92.66
Zn 100 17.01 82.99
Table 6.5: HGMS of the black ore Pb concentrate, Dowa Mining, Japan [K28].
Parameter Feed Magnetics Non-magnetics
Grade [%]
Cu 7.6 46.8 3.2
Pb 58.2 3.5 64.3
Recovery [%]
Cu 100 62.1 37.9
Pb 100 0.6 99.4
a pulsation mechanism. Typical results of the investigation are shown in Table
6.4. It can be seen that, in one pass, the copper concentrate was upgraded from
8.79% Cu to 18.68% Cu at a recovery of 77.28% Cu. Lead was concentrated
into the non-magnetic fraction with a recovery of 92.66%, while the recovery of
zinc was 82.98%.
Pb flotation concentrate, Dowa Mining, Japan
In the flotation process of black ore, the lead concentrate contains a small
amount of unfloatable copper minerals. Kim et al. [K28] found that the Pb
flotation concentrate, containing 5% to 8% of Cu, can be upgraded by removing
copper by HGMS. The removal of copper minerals is facilitated by the relatively
high values of magnetic susceptibility of copper minerals compared to diamag-
netic galena. Typical results of the removal of copper by HGMS are summarized
in Table 6.5. It can be seen that the Cu grade in the non-magnetic Pb concen-
trate decreased from 7.6% to 3.2% while the losses of lead into the magnetic
fraction were as low as 0.6%.
Black Mountain Mineral Development Co., Aggeneys, South Africa
The concentrator of Black Mountain Mineral Development Company produces
three concentrates, namely copper, lead and zinc in a dierential flotation
process. A large portion of the Broken Hill ore body consists of magnetite