Table 6.26: Physical characteristics of magnetic carriers Dynabeads.
Head Dynabeads
M-450 M-280 MyOne
Diameter 4.5 m 2.8 m 1.05 m
Density 1600 kg/m
1400 kg/m
1800 kg/m
Fe content 20% 12% 26%
The magnetic beads are usually spherically shaped particles of diameter
ranging from 1 to 20 m, and consist of a polymer matrix, often polystyrene,
polyderivatives and polyvinylalcohol, in which a magnetic colloid, such as mag-
netite, is encapsulated. Specific a!nity ligands are chemically coupled, often
selectively, to the polymer matrix to separate biomolecules or cells. These lig-
ands display complementary structures to specific sites of biomolecules or cell
receptors so that these target substances specifically bind to the magnetic parti-
cles. These target structures can then be separated from the substance mixture
in a magnetic field. Many magnetic carriers are biocompatible and some of them
are biodegradable. The basic principle of cell separation is shown schematically
in Fig. 6.49. A scanning electron microscope image of 2.8 m magnetic carriers
is shown in Fig. 6.50, while Table 6.26 lists physical properties of
In addition to magnetic carriers in the micrometer size range, magnetic
nanoparticles in the form of ferrofluids are often used for the labelling of tar-
get structures (usually cells) and as biodegradable or biocompatible carriers
for biomedical applications. In contrast to micrometer-sized magnetic carri-
ers, high-gradient magnetic separators are required to manipulate systems of
magnetic nanoparticles.
In addition to its current progressive role in biosciences, novel developments
in the biocompatible magnetic carrier technique are expected to have an en-
abling eect on capabilities in biological warfare defence, personnel monitoring
and diagnostic and therapeutic treatments for military personnel. For instance,
the Department of Defence (USA) believes that magnetic carriers are suited to
provide mechanisms for monitoring and controlling biological activity [B45].
Magnetic separation, such as isolation and/or removal of specific cells, iso-
lation of nucleic acids, proteins and heavy metals, is a common approach to
exploit magnetic principles in biosciences. Biomagnetic techniques can be used
in a variety of other applications. Magnetic support can be applied to immobi-
lization of biologically active compounds and cells when magnetic carriers enable
simple manipulation with immobilized structures.
Magnetic separation can also be used for modification of standard immunoas-
say analytical methods to determine concentrations of analytes in medical di-
agnostics. Ferrofluids have been studied in biomedical and clinical applications,
often in connection with manipulation of drugs, viruses and tumours.
The separation of erythrocytes (red blood cells) from the remainder of the