dilute medium from the rinse screens in heavy media recovery plants, where
the higher recovery of the magnetic cyclone can lead to a smaller size of the
wet drum magnetic separators. In iron-ore treatment the magnetic cyclone was
intended to replace conventional large-diameter thickeners and cyclones, to give
higher unit throughputs and magnetic recoveries.
In order to increase the magnetic force in a cyclone, Savitzky et al. [S83]
proposed to incorporate ferromagnetic rings on the outside of the conical part
of the cyclone, along its vertical axis. These rings become magnetized by the
externally positioned coils and generated, therefore, a higher magnetic field and
field gradient. The presence of several coils and the ferromagnetic rings, allowed
optimization of the patterns of the magnetic force in dierent zones along the
axis of the cyclone. A similar design, based on permanent magnets, was used,
on laboratory scale, for beneficiation of beach sands [P24].
Despite these eorts, the concept of the magnetic cyclone as applied to iron
ore beneficiation and thickening has not been accepted by the mining industry.
Insu!cient understanding of the theoretical principles of magnetic cycloning
and rather unsophisticated design of the magnetic circuits are the main reasons
for the disappointing performance of such devices. Typically, the performance of
magnetic cyclones has been characterized by ine!cient mineral recovery, unde-
sirable flocculation of magnetic particles, poor concentrate grades, and product
accumulation in the cyclone.
Heavy media manipulation
In order to aect the distribution of the particles of the magnetic medium
and thus the density dierential (dierence between the underflow and over-
flow medium densities) within the cyclone, Svoboda [S84] proposed to apply
a vertically oriented magnetic field generated by a solenoid wound around the
cyclone. The arrangement is shown in Fig. 5.124. By adjusting the magnetic
field strength and by suitable positioning of the magnet, it is possible to control
the density distribution of the heavy media and to set an optimum density dif-
ferential, cut-point density and Ep for the Tromp curve of the cyclone. Figure
5.125 illustrates the eect of the magnetic field on the density dierential in the
cyclone. It can be seen that, by applying the magnetic field, the density dier-
ential between the overflow and underflow decreases until it reaches a minimum.
With a further increase in the field, the density dierential begins to rise. This
is the result of the onset of magnetic flocculation of the ferrosilicon particles,
increased settling of the magnetic flocs and distortion of the flow pattern within
the cyclone. The greatest reduction in the density dierential was achieved with
the magnet close to the overflow because the closer the magnet is to the over-
flow, the more uniform the distribution of ferrosilicon within the cyclone. It is
even possible to induce inversion of the density, resulting in a negative density
The ability to vary the density dierential enabled the density dierential
to be related to the mean probable error. By determining the minimum Ep
it was possible to identify the density dierential at which the cyclone should