of the diameter. It is clear, therefore, that the separation e!ciency will depend,
to some extent, on particle size.
It has been shown in Section 3.8.3, that for particles smaller than 1 mm,
the eective cut-point density is dependent on particle size, and the selectivity
of separation is, therefore, impaired. For particles smaller than 0.1 mm the
eect of hydrodynamic drag becomes so pronounced that accurate separation
of materials with a narrow density dierence is virtually impossible.
For particles greater than 1 mm, the influence of hydrodynamic drag is negli-
gible and separation should be fairly accurate. The performance of a separator,
however, becomes aected by design parameters, such as depth of the fluid,
length of the separation chamber, position of the splitter and mode of feed-
ing. As in any separation technique, classification into reasonably narrow size
fractions improves the e!ciency of separation.
The upper limit of particle size that can be treated by FHS is determined
by the width of the bottom part of the tapered separation chamber which, in
turn, is determined by the width of the air gap of the magnet. Ferrohydrostatic
separators designed to treat particles up to 100 mm in diameter have been built
The eect of feed rate
The processing capability of a ferrohydrostatic separator is of considerable eco-
nomic importance. The feed rate aects the separation e!ciency and the op-
timum value of the feed rate is in turn a function of particle size and shape,
density dierence between the materials to be separated, mass split between
the sink and float fractions, design of the separation chamber and of the feeding
system, and on metallurgical requirements.
In general, as the feed rate through the separator increases, the separation
e!ciency decreases. Interparticle collisions, particularly among the sinking and
floating particles, result in the change of their trajectories and thus in their mis-
placement. In addition, an increase in the feed rate shortens the residence time
of particles in the fluid pool and leads to further misplacement of the particles.
These eects are more pronounced for feeds with a narrow size distribution, for
particles with a small density, dierence and for particles with densities close to
the apparent density of the ferrofluid.
The maximum feed rate acceptable from a metallurgical point of view is thus
determined by so many variables that no general rule can formulated and only
experimental tests can give information on the optimum operation of a ferro-
hydrostatic separator. Experience with separation of a wide range of materials
in a separation chamber, shown in Fig. 5.110, with direct feed onto the top of
the fluid, indicates that the approximate maximum feed rate is frequently of the
order of 400 kg/h per 100 mm of width of the feeder tray [S8].
A similar feed rate was used in the Hitachi FHS [N4] for an easy separation
of aluminium ( = 2700 kg/m
) from zinc ( = 7140 kg/m
) and copper ( =
8960 kg/m
) from metal scrap, in the particle size range - 50 + 6 mm.
The Tohoku University and Nittetsu Mining Co. (Japan) ferrohydrostatic