5.4.2 Magnetic flocculation of weakly magnetic minerals
In contrast to the magnetic flocculation of strongly magnetic minerals, the
application of this process to feebly magnetic materials has been limited to
laboratory-scale investigations. The first experimental observation of the mag-
netic flocculation of weakly magnetic minerals was reported by Hencl and Svo-
boda in 1979 [H16]. It was observed that magnetic flocculation of fine siderite
particles (51% - 20 m), with a magnetic susceptibility of 0.75×10
took place at a magnetic field as low as 0.4 T, and the rate of agglomeration
increased with increasing field strength.
Experimental investigations into the magnetic flocculation of paramagnetic
and diamagnetic particles were subsequently carried out by Watson [W26] and
Parker et al. [P8, V5], while a more detailed systematic study of agglomeration
of hematite was conducted by Ozaki and Matijevic et al. [O6, O7].
An extensive and thorough theoretical and experimental investigation of
flocculation of weakly magnetic minerals in a magnetic field was conducted by
Wang, Forssberg and Pugh [P10, W17, W18, W19]. The results illustrated in
Figs. 3.43 and 3.44 confirm that flocculation of feebly magnetic materials takes
place at moderate magnetic fields.
The possibility of industrial applications of magnetic flocculation
Selective chemical flocculation of mineral slimes provides an e!cient means of
recovering very fine particles. However, this method is rather costly and envi-
ronmentally problematic. However, no chemical agents are required in magnetic
flocculation and the flocculation time can be reduced by increasing the magnetic
field. Magnetic flocculation would thus allow creation of clusters of very fine
particles that could be readily recovered in a high-gradient magnetic separa-
tor. Detailed analysis of the potential of incorporating magnetic flocculation
into magnetic separation circuits was presented by Svoboda [S79, S1]. Figure
5.95 illustrates two possible proposals for the inclusion of magnetic flocculation
in a magnetic circuit for the recovery of very fine, weakly magnetic minerals.
However, commercial large-scale exploitation of this technique will require in-
volvement of industry with academia and their commitment to develop further
innovative ideas and transfer them into production.
5.5 Demagnetization
Exposure of ferromagnetic (s.l.) materials to external magnetic fields often
results in the formation of magnetic flocs that interfere with their further ma-
nipulation. In order to break the flocs and to improve dispersion of magnetic
particles in suspension, the material must be demagnetized. The demagneti-
zation process is often applied, for instance, to preparation of feed for sizing,
filtration, magnetic separation and for heavy media suspensions. It is usually
not possible to demagnetize fully a ferromagnetic (s.l.) material, such as mag-