318 The stratosphere
as the wave propagates to higher levels, but the mean particle displacement
increases. This will mean that above some level, the linear assumptions of
the theory will break down. Typically, this will happen when the meridional
displacement of a fluid element becomes comparable with the wavelength
of the waves. In this situation, contours of potential vorticity become
highly distorted, and the potential vorticity is pulled out into long filaments.
Such long, thin filaments are barotropically unstable and might be expected
to break up rapidly into discrete vortices. The instability means that the
distortion of the potential vorticity contours rapidly becomes irreversible.
Various dissipative processes can act on these small scale fluctuations to
smooth out the potential vorticity field. These processes are not simple to
describe in analytical terms, and the rapid reduction of scales makes them
difficult to represent in a numerical model. Consequently, the details of the
saturation process are not fully understood. The overall effect, though, is to
mix the potential vorticity throughout the region occupied by the saturated
Rossby wave, giving a broad region in the midlatitudes where potential
vorticity gradients are small.
The second breaking mechanism may be associated either with meridional
or vertical propagation, and will occur when the zonal wind changes with
height. In particular, if
changes sign, a 'critical line', such as we discussed
in Chapter 6, will be associated with the locus of points where
= 0. As
a Rossby wave approaches a critical line, its amplitude will increase and its
group velocity will decrease. The assumptions of linearity will break down,
and irreversible shredding and mixing of the potential vorticity field will
occur; the Rossby wave will break in much the same way as for the increase
of amplitude with decreasing density.
There is an analogy between this saturation and breakdown of vertically
propagating Rossby waves, and the well-known behaviour of surface gravity
waves on deep water as they approach a shelving beach. As the waves
propagate into regions of shallower water, they become steeper. Eventually,
they become so distorted that they 'break', that is, the reversible displace-
ments of water associated with wave motion become irreversible, and a rapid
shrinking of the scales of motion takes place. This analogy has led various
authors to speak of the 'breaking' of planetary scale Rossby waves in the
middle stratosphere, and to refer to the region of small potential vorticity
gradient as the 'stratospheric surf zone'.
Figure 9.8 shows a map of the Ertel potential vorticity (see Eq. (1.79))
on the
K potential temperature surface during the northern hemisphere
winter. The vortex circumscribed by the polar night jet shows up as a
strong maximum in the potential vorticity field, distorted by the upward