fronts 337
gas constant 2
gas giant planets 344, 358, 366
GCM 49, 281
geostationary satellites 37
geostrophic streamfunction 19, 25
geostrophic wind 16, 25
global circulation models 49, 243, 296, 356, 365
global kinetic energy equation 130
global water vapour 248
gravitational collapse 366
gravitational force 6
gravitational potential 8
gravity waves 41
great circles 182
greenhouse effect 63
group velocity, internal gravity waves 274
group velocity, Rossby waves 177, 197, 236
growth phase of lifecycle 156
Gulf Stream 243
Hadley 80
Hadley cell, annual mean 91
Hadley cell, solstices 91
Hadley circulation 80, 136, 216, 265, 344, 359, 383
Hadley circulation, effects of friction 93
Hadley circulation, effects of latent heating 93
Hadley regime 350, 356, 359
Halley 80
heating 75, 103, 172, 343, 345
heating anomaly 263
heating, regional variations 76, 242
heat low 218
height, geopotential 13, 118, 188
Held-Hou model 85, 265, 359
Helmholtz partitioning 265
Helmholtz theorem 265
high frequency transients 220
horizontal wind shear 138, 160, 358
humidity measurement 33
humidity mixing ratio 4, 243
hybrid coordinates 14
hydrostatic balance 10
hydrostatic equation 11, 126, 130
hydroxyl radical 325
ice-albedo feedback 66
ideal gas law 2
index cycles 262, 270, 287
indirect circulations 72, 105
Indonesia, heating over 208
inertial flow 8
inertial reference frame 7
initial guess 45
inseparable equations 151
interannual variability 29
interfering wave trains 148, 187
internal baroclinic instability 357, 370
internal energy 2
internal gravity waves 274, 277
internal heating 346, 366
internal variability 292, 296
intertropical convergence zone 95
intraseasonal oscillation 277
irregular flow 380
isentropic average 31, 83
isentropic coordinates 14
isentropic mean circulation 83, 327
ITCZ 95, 344
ITCZ, width 98
jet exit 22, 232
midlatitude 220
jet, stability 152
jet streams 225, 380
Jupiter 342, 344, 346, 366
Kelvin-Helmholtz billows 153
kinetic energy 113, 128
Kuo scheme 55
Kuroshio current 243
laboratory systems 153, 376
Lagrangian average 31, 83
Lagrangian derivative 4
Lagrangian mean circulation 107, 327, 329, 337
Lamb wave 41
La Nina 285
latent heat of condensation 4
law of mass action 324
Legendre functions 44
length of day 281
lightning 325
limited area energetics 138
limit of Hadley cell 89, 95
linear advection equation 39
line by line calculations 50
longwave radiation 50, 74, 305
Lorenz climate model 292
Lorenz energy cycle 135
low frequency transients 115, 234, 255
low frequency variability 234
low level winds 208
Madden-Julian oscillation 277
MAM 29
magnetic field, Jovian 372
magnetohydrodynamics 372
marching 39
Mars 342, 344, 346, 354
mass circulation 330
mature phase of lifecycle 156
mean wind vectors 208
meridional circulation 80, 313
meridional displacement 317
meridional streamfunction 102
meridional wavenumber 176
meridional wind 80, 90, 106
microwave sounders 36, 246
midlatitude circulation 100