of particular topics. One of the results is that there is a preponderance
of references to papers by my own colleagues. This parochial bias is not
meant as a criticism of the work of those who are omitted; rather, it is a
consequence of the huge amount of global circulation related research which
has been published in recent years.
Many people have helped me in the preparation of this book. Some
have helped unknowingly, by their teaching, writing and conversation about
matters relating to my themes. In particular, I would like to record my
gratitude to Dr Raymond Hide, who introduced me to the study of atmo-
spheric circulations, and to Professors Brian Hoskins and Robert Pearce,
who provided a stimulating environment at Reading, where I learned about,
and explored, the Earth's global circulation, with the aid of both data and
simple models. I would like to record my grateful thanks to a host of col-
leagues who generously helped me with advice and who spent considerable
time and effort attempting to satisfy my insatiable appetite for data and
figures. Among them, I would mention Paul Berrisford, James Dodd, Paul
David Jackson, Adrian Matthews, Michiko Masutani, Fay Nortley,
Mark Ringer, Keith Shine, Julia Slingo, and Paul Valdes. Michael Blackburn
deserves special thanks for his patience in helping me to write the computer
programs needed to prepare plots of the ECMWF climatology. Many col-
leagues in other institutes have not only given me permission to reproduce
their diagrams, but have generously supplied original artwork. I would like
to mention X. Cheng, R. Hide, D.A. Johnson,
Lyjak, B. Naujokat, A.
O'Neill, R. A. Madden, A. Scaife, J. M. Wallace, and G.
Williams. Several
of my colleagues have read and commented upon early drafts of various
sections of the text. Among them are M. Collins, M. Juckes, F. Nortley, R.
Pearce and S. Rosier.
A large number of the diagrams in this book have been prepared from
climatologies based on operational meteorological analyses carried out at
the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The
climatologies have been built up over several years as part of a joint project
with the UK Meteorological Office and the University of Reading. I must
acknowledge a debt to all my colleagues who have worked on this project
over the last ten years or so; among them are Paul Berrisford, Huang Hsu,
Michiko Masutani, Sarah Raper, Prashant Sardeshmukh and Glenn White.
Special thanks are due to ECMWF for their interest and patient support for
this diagnostics project and to the UK Meteorological Office who afforded
access to the data.
It is also traditional for authors to thank their long suffering families at
this point, and I am no exception. I owe a tremendous debt to their patience