42 Observing and modelling global circulations
show that such a scheme is computationally stable for all At, though its
numerical solutions become increasingly unlike the analytical solutions for
a > 1. Furthermore, obtaining the
from this finite difference relation
requires the solution of a set of coupled simultaneous equations, one for
each gridpoint. The computational effort for such an implicit scheme is much
greater than the corresponding 'explicit' scheme. In modern semi-implicit
schemes, such a formulation is applied just to those terms in the primitive
equations which generate fast gravity waves; the remainder are handled
explicitly. The limitation on the timestep is then due to the flow speed,
rather than the phase speed of the fastest gravity waves.
Even when At is sufficiently small to guarantee stability, and for the finite
difference approximations to the derivative to be accurate, the numerical
solution to the advection equation can be unrealistic. This is readily seen
if the phase speed of wavelike disturbances, wavelength NAx, is calculated.
The analytic solution reveals that the phase speed should, of
be u for
all wavelengths. But for the finite difference approximation to the equation,
it is easy to show that
where c is the phase speed of disturbances in the discretized analogue to
the advection equation. If N becomes large, c/u tends to 1. But for smaller
c is always smaller than u. For the smallest wavelength defined by the
grid, 2Ax, c is zero. Thus, small scale features are advected appreciably more
slowly in the numerical solution than they would be in the true, analytic,
solution. An example is shown in Fig. 2.6. What is worse, an arbitrarily
shaped disturbance, which may be decomposed into a Fourier series of waves
of different wavelengths, will disperse. The smaller wavelength components
will move more slowly than the longer wavelength components.
Our discussion so far has been focussed upon a Cartesian coordinate
system in which the grid points are spaced uniformly in x and y. Such a grid
might be adequate for a local numerical weather prediction model, but will
not suffice in a global context. A grid which is regular in (say) latitude
will become singular at the poles, with the grid length becoming
very small at high latitudes. This in turn means that the CFL condition will
demand exceedingly small timesteps in order to handle the small region near
the poles without computational instability. The 'polar problem' is indeed a
serious difficulty in global atmospheric modelling. One solution is to design
a grid whose spacing in X varies with latitude. This still requires special
treatment of the polar cap
Another is to use a regular grid in </>