3A Observed atmospheric heating 75
Here, A0
represents the change of 9 over the averaging period
is reasonably large, this term will be small, especially for the DJF and JJA
periods. The second and third terms represent, respectively, the horizontal
and vertical advection of potential temperature by the time average motions.
The fourth and fifth terms represent the divergence of the transient eddy
fluxes of
All these terms must balance the heating. Accordingly, Eq. (3.21)
can be rearranged as a diagnostic expression for J2. Calculating J2 in this
way frequently involves much cancellation between the various transport
which tend to be of comparable magnitude but varying sign. Such a
calculation of J is called a 'residual method'. Note that it cannot distinguish
between the various physical processes which produce heating, but only
determines the net heating. Its reliability depends crucially upon accurate
estimates of the vertical velocity field. These may be suspect, especially in
the tropics and in the stratosphere.
Figure 3.7 shows the zonal mean heating,
— (p/p
using this residual method. It is based upon just six years of ECMWF
analyses (since there is evidence that difficulties with initialization led to
underestimates of the tropical vertical velocity, and hence of the tropical
heating, during the first few years of operational analysis and forecasting
at the centre). The general pattern throughout the troposphere generally
conforms to the qualitative account given earlier in this chapter. Away from
the deep tropics, there is heating near the ground. This heating is
dominated by the turbulent transport of heat out of the ground, which is
heated by direct insolation. Regions of cooling, dominated by long wave
radiation to space, occupy much of the middle and upper troposphere.
The heating is strong and fills the entire depth of the troposphere in the deep
tropics. This is largely a signature of deep cumulus convection, releasing
latent heat throughout the tropical troposphere. Separate bands of relatively
deep heating are found in the midlatitudes. These are where active midlati-
tude depression systems lead to enhanced precipitation and release of latent
Comparison of
DJF and JJA cross sections reveals the seasonal cycle of
heating. The maximum tropical heating rates are in the summer hemisphere.
The midlatitude heating is in the winter hemisphere. The large maximum
70 °S
in JJA is probably spurious, and is a result of extrapolation of
the wind and temperature fields beneath the high Antarctic ice sheet.
There are substantial differences between the midlatitude heating rates in
the two hemispheres. We will return to a discussion of some of the
differences between the storm depression latitudes in each hemisphere in
Chapter 5.