Local radiative balance
place to place. So in this section, the geographical variations of the radiation
field will be described. These geographical variations will also change with
thus inducing diurnal and seasonal changes into the atmospheric
Both the incoming solar radiation and the albedo of the Earth vary
strongly with latitude. Figure 3.3(a) shows the annual mean incoming solar
radiant energy flux plotted against latitude. We denote this incoming flux
of radiation /. The global mean value of / is of course S/4, as shown
in the last section. Geometrical factors mean that / is large in the tropics
but considerably smaller at the poles. Were it not for the axial tilt of the
Earth, the polar value would of course be zero. As it is, there is substantial
insolation at the poles in the summer. In fact, the local value of / is a
maximum at the pole, for a time around the summer solstice. The equator
to pole decline of the annual mean / is accentuated by the variations of
albedo. The albedo of high latitudes, where the snow and ice cover is
large and permanent, is much higher than at lower latitudes. Again, the
midlatitudes are more cloudy than the subtropics. As a result, a nearly
constant short wave flux of about
is reflected directly back to
space at all latitudes. Thus the radiation absorbed by the Earth and its
atmosphere varies from around
at the poles to near
at the equator.
The local radiative equilibrium temperature can be calculated in the same
way as can the global radiative equilibrium temperature, using Stefan's law.
The local bolometric temperature is given by:
where S
denotes the local absorbed solar radiation. At the pole, the annual
mean value of T
would be around 205 K from this formula, while at the
equator we find 290 K. Using Eq. (3.7) to estimate a surface temperature,
assuming e =
the equator-pole temperature difference would be about
In fact, this temperature difference is much larger than observed. The
annual average temperature difference is around 35 K, with the poles con-
siderably warmer than would be predicted from local radiative balance, and
the tropics rather cooler. The third curve in Fig. 3.3(a) shows the outgoing
long wave radiation plotted against latitude. It is a considerably flatter curve
than that for S
, reflecting that the temperature contrast is smaller than it
would be in radiative equilibrium. Of course, the total outgoing radiation,
integrated over the globe balances the total incoming radiation. But locally,
the imbalances are substantial. These local imbalances are a manifestation