8.4 Intraseasonal oscillation 279
flow responds to such forcing. But this can be very misleading. For example,
suppose the wind field associated with an equatorial Kelvin wave is split into
its rotational and divergent parts, which may be represented by a stream-
function and velocity potential respectively. Both fields will be global. Yet
the Kelvin wave is essentially a trapped equatorial disturbance which dies
away rapidly at latitudes greater than about 20°. In fact, the rotational and
divergent wind vectors for a pure Kelvin wave cancel out in the midlatitudes,
but reinforce one another in the tropics. The Helmholtz partitioning of the
wind field, while mathematically perfectly valid, is physically misleading in
this case. The same is true, at least to a certain extent, of the flow associated
with the intraseasonal oscillation.
In the longitude-height plane, the oscillation of the zonal wind is strongest
in the upper troposphere, between 15 and 20kPa, and it has the familiar
baroclinic structure of tropical disturbances, with low level easterly anomalies
beneath upper level westerly anomalies, and vice versa. The relationship
between the wind, surface pressure fields and the distribution of regions
of enhanced convection is shown schematically in Fig. 8.13. The cycle
is dominated by enhanced convection above an anomalously large low
convergence. This appears over Indonesia and moves eastwards across the
Pacific before dying away near 180
The anomalous convection is part of
a zonal convection cell, or 'Walker circulation', very similar to the Walker
circulations of the time mean flow described in Section 8.1.
This structure, together with the eastward phase speed, has suggested
that the intraseasonal oscillation may be interpreted in terms of a propag-
ating Kelvin wave. The difficulty with this interpretation is that the observed
phase speed is slower than the phase speed of a simple dry Kelvin wave,
as derived in Section 8.2. Another question concerns the mechanism which
might excite the Kelvin wave. The evidence is that tropical moist convection
may provide the necessary energy through some feedback between the large
scale flow and the convective scale. 'Conditional instability of the second
kind' (CISK) has been suggested as a model of how such a feedback might
operate. The mean tropical atmosphere is conditionally unstable, but it is
not saturated. Thus, for convection to begin in a given region, there must
be convergence of a water vapour flux into that region. The release of latent
heat within the convecting elements drives midlevel ascent and so serves to
intensify the low level moisture convergence into the convecting region. The
pattern of convergence and divergence driven in this way can also serve to
generate large scale relative vorticity through the Rossby source term S (see
8.7 and 8.8). Such a mechanism has also been suggested to account for
the formation of hurricanes as well as other larger scale tropical weather