8.7 Chaos and ultra
frequency variability 293
though not monotonically. A mean of many such curves would initially
produce a more or less exponential increase of the separation.
Clearly, this behaviour is analogous to that of the atmosphere. The
exponential divergence of initially similar solutions is reminiscent of the
'forecasting problem', in which a deterministic set of equations is used to
extrapolate an imperfectly defined initial state of the atmosphere to produce
a forecast. It is well known that the atmosphere is not predictable in this
sense; a numerical weather prediction generally loses any skill after about
6-10 days in most circumstances. Because of the exponential increase of
decreasing the errors of observation (principally by increasing the
density of the observing network) would only lead to a limited extension of
the useful period of a forecast.
The Lorenz system is an example of those equation sets which have
been termed 'chaotic'. This is an unfortunate name, with its implications
of randomness and lack of structure. In fact, the solutions to the equation
set are highly structured, although that structure is exceedingly complex;
a better term for this generic type of behaviour might be 'spontaneously
complex'. In the interests of clarity, the trajectories shown in Fig. 8.18 are
kept rather short. In Fig. 8.19, the complexity of the solutions is illustrated
by a so-called 'Poincare section' of a much longer integration of the same
equation set. This is really a cross section of the solution trajectories, in
which a point is plotted each time the trajectory crosses the A = 0 plane.
It is noticeable that the solution trajectories tend to cluster in some regions,
while other regions are scarcely entered at all. One such region is the vicinity
of the point U =
A = 0.0064, B = 0.317
The solutions oscillate
around their mean value but spend little time close to the mean, which is an
unstable point for the system.
Where the solution trajectories are clustered, the points on the Poincare
sections are arranged along folded sheets. Closer examination of longer
integrations shows that this structure is repeated on a smaller scale. Indeed,
the solution subspace is 'fractal', showing complex structure on any scale, no
matter how small. This 'quasi-two-dimensional' character of the solutions
can be expressed quantitatively by determining the effective dimension of
the solution surface. Suppose that we have a very long numerical integration
of an equation set such as Eqs. (8.19a-c), consisting of a large number of
discrete points in (U, A, B) space. The dimensionality of the solution could
be determined as follows. Take some arbitrary point within the attractor.
Then count the number of solution points lying within the neighbourhood
of this point, that is, inside a small volume of
A, B) space centred on the
selected point. Denote the typical linear dimension of this neighbourhood