624 Micro- and Nanomanufacturing
form is another key requirement for some components to meet their
design specifications [32]; The achievement of functional perform-
ance of a product/component much depends on its surface condi-
i.e. the surface integrity, including their geometric properties,
physical and chemical properties. Therefore, nanometrology for sur-
face integrity is important, which is indispensable in characterization
and control of the surface functionality and integrity in nanometric
machining [33].
Position Measurement
Laser interferometers are based on the interference of two beams,
i.e., a reference and a measurement beam, emitted by a coherent la-
ser source. The measurement resolution can be in sub-nanometer
scale. The system accuracy is limited by the stability of the wave-
length of the laser light. Another source of error is nonlinearity in
the interpolations in optics [26].
The scales are based on a repetitive pattern of a reflective trans-
missive-conductive - or magnetic materials embedded in a substrate,
giving a period signal. The measuring resolution of some linear
scales can be in nanometer scale. The resolution for angular encoder
can go down to 0.01 arc of a second.
Surface Texture Measurement
Currently optical profiler and scanning probe microscope are two
kinds of major equipment used for surface texture measurement. The
NT series optical profilers manufactured by Veeco Metrology Group
and Newview series optical profiles from Zygo Corporation are
popularly used worldwide. They are based on white light interfer-
ometry, or phase shift interferometry. Both of their products can
achieve sub-nanometer vertical resolution.
Furthermore, the atomic force microscope (AFM) and ccanning
tunneling microscope (STM) are the best known examples of SPM
have been developed to meet the requirement of measuring surfaces
at the atomic level with adequate horizontal resolution.