Diamond Nanogrinding 577
The cooling rate in the second track is slightly lower than
track 1 for both 400 W and 500 W samples. As the laser passes the
over the first track it pre-heats the material adjacent to it that results
in a reduced cooling rate for the second track owing to the decrease
in the thermal gradient. Table 10.8 shows the cooling rate at 2.2 s
after solidification, which corresponds to the temperature of the
sample near to the lower calibrated temperature range of the py-
rometer. The trend observed shows that the cooling rate is similar to
that seen at the solidification temperature, but cooling rates are much
lower due to thermal gradients and heat loss from the sample. So-
lidification occurs in directions that are opposite to the direction of
heat extraction. It is also assumed that grain growth is equal in all
directions owing to the fact that the directed laser energy is a point
source of heat dissipation. Microstructural texture is assumed to
form in accordance with the model of heat extraction. A full range
of microstructures such as planar, cellular, and dendritic, are ob-
served in laser processed samples [36-37].
A planar solidification front is observed when the interface is
at the equilibrium liquidus temperature and when every point at the
front of the interface is above the liquidus temperature. Any insta-
bility dissolves back in the melt and if it is supercooled, then the per-
turbation formed on the interface will grow fast into the liquid melt.
Under the influence of a positive temperature gradient, constitutional
supercooling is solute driven. The type of solidification microstruc-
ture formed during constitutional supercooling depends on the G/R
where G is the thermal gradient and R is the solidification rate
The solidification structure observed in the laser-processed
tracks of the abrsive material changes the surface morphology. Re-
ferring to Figure 10.26, grains are multifaceted at the center of the
laser track and are equiaxed possessing a dendritic structure. The
edges of the tracks show elongated columnar grains that grow away
from the point source in a direction normal to the laser beam. The
columnar structures are similar to those reported by other authors
[38-40] who have conducted laser based processing of alumina ce-
The heat transfer equation for a moving heat source is given
by the following equation, where the substantial derivative of tem-
perature, i.e., T= T
t), and is given a partial derivative [41-44],