Principles of Micro- and Nanofabrication 31
The cantilever beam and tip are controlled by certain physical
laws and as such possess a spring constant, k, and a resonant fre-
quency, fo. The tip and cantilever experience a displacement force
that is dominated by surface tension in ambient conditions (AFM
and chemical, van der Waals, and electrostatic forces in vac-
uum (STM mode). In summary, the modes of operation of the AFM
are static and dynamic. In static AFM, the force between tip and
surface is variable and non-linear compared to the surface-tip dis-
tance. Figure 1.33 shows the basic principle of operation in the
static mode. The figure shows the contact mode, non-contact mode,
and the intermittent dynamic modes and explains the differences be-
tween them.
Advances in the use of atomic force microscopy are reviewed by
Giessibl [12] who presents an overview of the development of the
technique and how it can be used for imaging and manipulation of
small-scale features.
Cantilever beam+Tip
Repulsive Attractive
Modes of Operation: Static AFM
I. Summary
• Force
between tip and sample IS
imaging signal
• Force varies nonlinearly with tip-sample separation
• Detected as deflection
Contact Mode-Static AFM
• Tip is in repulsion regime
• Tip exerts large normal and lateral force
• Force is kept constant during scan (feedback)
• Process subject to low-frequency noise
Non-Contact Mode-Dynamic AFM
• Tip oscillates above sample is in attractive regime
• Avoids force and noise problems of contact mode
• Subject
jump-to-contact if k<hr^°^js
IV. Intermittent Contact Mode-Dynamic AFM
• Tip oscillates above sample is in attractive regime
• Tip contacts
sample for a short time each
Franz J. Giessibl, "Advances in atomic force microscopy,"
[Online]:, arXiv:cond-mat/0305119vl 6May2003.
Fig. 1.33. Modes of operation of the atomic force microscope [12]