62 Italian Demystifi ed
4. Come sono i pantaloni di Pina? How are Pina’s pants?
I pantaloni di Pina sono . Pina’s pants are blue.
5. Com’è la valigia di Marco? How is Mark’s suitcase?
La valigia di Marco è . Mark’s suitcase is green.
6. Com’è la camicia di Marco? How is Mark’s shirt?
La camicia di Marco è . Mark’s shirt is yellow.
7. Come sono gli amici di Marco? How are Mark’s friends?
Gli amici di Marco sono . Mark’s friends are intelligent.
8. Come sono le amiche di Marco? How are Marks (female) friends?
Le amiche di Marco sono . Mark’s friends are intelligent.
A few adjectives are invariable—that is, their endings never change, no matter what
gender or number the noun is. The color adjectives marrone (brown), arancione
(orange), viola (violet, purple), rosa (pink), and blu (dark blue) are invariable.
These, and other color adjectives are often used to describe clothes and accessories
(as you might imagine). Following is a list of commonly used words for clothing
and accessories.
la giacca the jacket il vestito the dress
il cappello the hat la sciarpa the scarf
lo zaino the backpack
Singular Plural
la giacca marrone the brown jacket le giacche marrone the brown jackets
il cappello arancione the orange hat i cappelli arancione the orange hats
lo zaino viola the purple backpack gli zaini viola the purple
il vestito rosa the pink dress i vestiti rosa the pink dresses
la sciarpa blu the dark blue scarf le sciarpe blu the dark blue scarves
Adjectives ending in -co, -go, -cio, and -gio undergo the same spelling changes
when pluralized as do nouns ending in these sounds, which you can review in Chap-
ter 3 if necessary.