460 Index
–i (suffi x)
and adjectives, 60
in conditional tense, 327–28
with fi rst-conjugation verbs, 104
in future tense, 309
as plural, 27, 28
present perfect tense, 234
with second-conjugation verbs, 124
with third-conjugation verbs, 144
conjugating, 108
with fi rst-conjugation verbs, 104
with second-conjugation verbs, 124
with third-conjugation verbs, 144
Idiomatic expressions
avere in, 85–86
and defi nite articles, 130
English and Italian, 85–86
with stare, 87–88
Il, 77
Imperative tense, 183
with fi rst-conjugation verbs, 184–85
with irregular verbs, 188–89
negative, 191–92
punctuation for, 185
of refl exive verbs, 217–18
with second-conjugation verbs, 186
with third-conjugation verbs, 186–87
Imperfect tense, 247–48
endings for, 248
of fi rst-conjugation verbs, 248
irregular verbs in, 253–54
progressive form of, 255–56
of refl exive verbs, 249–50
of second-conjugation verbs, 249
of third-conjugation verbs, 249
Impersonal verbs, 235
in (preposition), 131, 132, 243
in punto, 138
Indefi nite articles, 74–75
Indicative mood, 57
Indirect object pronouns, 373
Industrialized regions, 341
Infi nitives, 57
Internet, 361
Introductions, 7, 12
of oneself, 7
of other people, 12
Invariable adjectives, 62–63
io (personal pronoun), 14, 56
–io (suffi x), 104
–ire. See Third-conjugation verbs (–ire)
Irregular forms
in conditional tense, 331–33
of fi rst-conjugation verbs, 104
in future tense, 314–16
of gerunds, 165
Irregular past participles, 238–39
Irregular verbs. See also specifi c types, e.g., fare
imperative tense with, 188–89
in imperfect tense, 253–54
in past absolute tense, 271–73
–irsi, 214
–isc, 145, 187
–ista, 115
–iste, 116
–isti, 116
English and. See English, Italian usage compared
speakers of, 49
Italian–English glossary, 417
, 144
j (letter), 13–14
j sound, 10
la Juventus (sports team), 323
k (letter), 13–14
k sound, 10, 14
Kinship nouns, 174
kw (sound sequence), 10
l’, 77
l (letter)
“dark l”, 9
and z, 9
la, 77, 351, 352
asking about, 43
defi nite articles for, 243
lavarsi, 249–50
le (defi nite article), 78
le (object pronoun), 351, 352
plural form of, 346
pronoun form of, 352