Italian-English Glossary
Ci vediamo! See you later!
ciao hi, bye
Cina China
cinema (m.) movies, cinema
cinese Chinese
città (f.) city
classe (f.) class (of students), classroom
cliente (m. or f.) customer
cognome (m.) surname
colazione (f.) breakfast
collo neck
colore (m.) color
coltello knife
come how, like, as
Come si chiama? What is your name?
Come sta? How are you? (polite)
Come stai? How are you? (familiar)
Come ti chiami? What is your name?
Come va? How is it going?
cominciare to begin, start
commedia comedy
commesso/commessa salesclerk (m./f.)
comprare to buy
computer computer
con with
condire to put on dressing/condiments
conoscere to know
contemporaneo contemporary
conto bill, check
corretto coffee with a dash of liqueur
cosa thing
così so, thus
costare to cost
costume (m.) costume
cravatta tie
crisi (f.) crisis
cucina kitchen
cousin (m./f.)
da from, as a
da capo from the start
dare to give
data date
davanti (a) in front of
decaffeinato decaffeinated
dentista (m. or f.) dentist
destro right
di of
di nuovo again
di solito usually
diagramma (m.) diagram
dicembre December
dire to say
discoteca discothèque, disco
dito fi nger
divano couch, sofa
diventare to become
divertirsi to enjoy oneself, have fun
documentario documentary
dolce (m.) dessert, sweet
dollaro dollar
domani tomorrow
domenica Sunday
donna woman
dopo after
doppio double
dormire to sleep
dottore/dottoressa Dr., doctor (m./f.)
dove where
dovere to have to
dozzina dozen
dramma (m.) drama
durare to last
e and
ecco here is/here are, there is/there are
elefante/elefantessa elephant (m./f.)
elegante elegant
enorme enormous
to enter
espresso espresso coffee
esserci to be here/there