74 Italian Demystifi ed
Forms of the Indefi nite Article
Chi è? Che cos’è? Who is it? or What is it? There are two basic ways to answer
these questions, according to who or what someone or something is. For example,
if you answer that it is a book, then you mean to say that it is a book in general, dis-
tinct from, say, a magazine or a record. However, if you answer that it is the book,
then you mean to say that it is a specifi c book, such as the book that you read yester-
day. The words a and the allow you to make this distinction. They are called arti-
cles. The former is called the indefi nite article and the latter the defi nite article.
In Italian the indefi nite article varies according to the gender and initial sound of
the noun it precedes. The indefi nite article can only be used with singular nouns, of
course, because when using it you can only refer to one person or thing: a student,
an uncle, and so on. Here are some rules for using the indefi nite article in Italian:
• The indefi nite article uno is used before a masculine noun beginning with
z, s consonant, gn,orps. For example:
uno zio an uncle uno gnocco a dumpling
uno studente a student uno psicologo a psychologist
• Un is used before a masculine noun beginning with any other sound
(consonant or vowel).
un ragazzo a boy un gatto a cat
un cane a dog un amico a friend
• Una is used before a feminine noun beginning with any consonant
(including z, s consonant, gn,or ps).
una zia an aunt una ragazza a girl
una studentessa a female student una psicologa a (female) psychologist
• Un’ is used before a feminine noun beginning with any vowel.
un’amica a friend un’americana an American
un’ora an hour un’isola an island
When an adjective precedes the noun, it is necessary to adjust the indefi nite arti-
cle according to the beginning sound of the adjective.
uno zio an uncle but: un caro zio a dear uncle
un’amica a friend but: una cara amica a dear friend