86 Italian Demystifi ed
avere fame to be hungry (literally: to have hunger)
avere sete to be thirsty (literally: to have thirst)
avere sonno to be sleepy (literally: to have sleep)
avere ragione to be right (literally: to have reason)
avere torto to be wrong (literally: to have crookedness)
Oral Practice
Practice saying the following sentences out loud.
Marco, hai fame? Mark, are you hungry?
Sì, ho fame. Yes, I am hungry.
Signora Marchi, ha sete? Mrs. Marchi, are you thirsty?
No, non ho sete. No, I am not thirsty.
Maria ha sonno? Is Mary sleepy?
Sì, Maria ha sonno. Yes, Mary is sleepy.
Giovanni ha sonno? Is John sleepy?
Sì, anche Giovanni ha sonno. Yes, John is also sleepy.
Marco e Maria, avete fame? Mark and Mary, are you hungry?
No, non abbiamo fame. No, we are not hungry.
Loro hanno ragione? Are they right?
Sì, (loro) hanno ragione. Yes, they are right.
(Io) ho ragione, vero? I am right, aren’t I?
Sì, (tu) hai ragione. Yes, you are right.
(Noi) abbiamo torto? Are we wrong?
Sì, (voi) avete torto. Yes, you are wrong.
Quanti anni hai, Marco? Mark, how old are you?
Ho venticinque anni. I am twenty-fi ve years old.
Quanti anni ha, signora Marchi? How old are you, Mrs. Marchi?
Ho trenta anni. I am thirty years old.