Written Practice 6
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of avere.
1. (Tu) hai sete, vero? You are thirsty, aren’t you?
Sì, (io) sete. Yes, I am thirsty.
2. Anch’io ho ragione, vero? I, too, am right, aren’t I?
Sì, anche tu ragione. Yes, you, too, are right.
3. Pierina ha sonno, vero? Pierina is sleepy, isn’t she?
Sì, Pierina sonno. Yes, Pierina is sleepy.
4. Voi avete ragione, vero? You are right, aren’t you?
Sì, (noi) ragione. Yes, we are right.
5. Noi abbiamo torto, vero? We are wrong, aren’t we?
No, voi non torto. No, you are not wrong.
6. Gli studenti hanno sonno, vero? The students are sleepy, aren’t they?
Sì, gli studenti sonno. Yes, the students are sleepy.
Using the Verb Stare
The commonly used verb stare means to stay, but quite often it takes on the mean-
ing of being. Here are its present indicative forms:
Singular Plural
(io) sto I stay (I am) (noi) stiamo we stay (we are)
(tu) stai you stay (you are) (familiar) (voi) state you stay (you are)
(Lei) sta you stay (you are) (polite) (Loro) stanno you stay (you are)
(lui/lei) sta he/she stays (he/she is) (loro) stanno they stay (they are)
Stare (like avere) is used in many idiomatic expressions. Here are some of the
commonly used expressions with stare.
stare bene to be (feel) well
stare assai bene to be rather well
CHAPTER 5 Expressing Likes and Dislikes 87