56 Italian Demystifi ed
Personal Pronouns
To conjugate verbs, you will fi rst have to learn the subject personal pronouns. Per-
sonal pronouns are called this because they refer to a person or persons (I, you, we,
etc.). They are classifi ed according to the person(s) speaking ( fi rst person), the
person(s) spoken to ( second person), or the person(s) spoken about ( third per-
son). The pronoun can, of course, be in the singular ( referring to one person) or
in the plural ( referring to more than one person).
Singular Plural
1st person io (I) noi (we)
2nd person tu (you, familiar singular) voi (you, familiar plural)
3rd person Lei (you, polite singular) Loro (you, polite plural)
lui/lei (he/she) loro (they)
Notice that io is not capitalized (unless it is the fi rst word in a sentence). Also, note
that you has both familiar (tu, voi)and polite (Lei, Loro) forms in Italian. In writ-
ing, the polite forms are capitalized in order to distinguish them from lei meaning
she and loro meaning they. In current Italian the voi forms are used commonly as
the plural of both tu and Lei forms. The Loro form is restricted to very formal situ-
ations. For example:
Familiar Singular Familiar Plural
Chi sei tu? Who are you? Chi siete voi? Who are you?
Tu sei italiano. You are Italian. Voi siete italiani. You are Italians.
Polite Singular Polite Plural
Chi è Lei? Who are you? Chi siete voi? Who are you?
Lei è italiano. You are Italian. Voi siete italiani. You are Italians.
Chi è Lei? Who are you? Chi sono Loro? Who are you? (very polite)
Lei è italiano. You are Italian. Loro sono italiani. You are Italians. (very polite)
The personal pronouns are optional in simple affi rmative sentences, because it is
easy to tell from the verb form itself which person is the subject.
Io sono americano. I am American.
Sono americano. I am American.