Oral Practice
Practice saying the following sentences out loud.
Ecco il dottor Marchi. Here is Dr. Marchi.
Buongiorno, dottor Marchi. Good morning, Dr. Marchi.
Ecco l’avvocato Bruni. Here is lawyer Bruni.
Buongiorno, avvocato Bruni. Good morning, lawyer Bruni.
Ecco la signora Binni. Here is Mrs. Binni.
Buongiorno, signora Binni. Good morning, Mrs. Binni.
Ecco la dottoressa Dini. Here is Dr. Dini.
Buongiorno, dottoressa Dini. Good morning, Dr. Dini.
Ecco il signor Vecchiarelli. Here is Mr. Vecchiarelli.
Buongiorno, signor Vecchiarelli. Good morning, Mr. Vecchiarelli.
Meeting and Greeting Expressions
Buongiorno! Good morning! or Good day! Here are the main formulas for greet-
ing and taking leave of people.
buongiorno (also written buon giorno) good morning/good day
buon pomeriggio good afternoon
buonasera (also written buona sera) good evening
buonanotte (also written buona notte) good night
These expressions are used mainly in polite or formal speech—when greeting peo-
ple with whom you are not on a fi rst-name basis (strangers, superiors, etc.). How-
ever, they can also be used to greet and take leave of those with whom you are on a
fi rst-name basis.
The following expressions are used in familiar speech—those with whom you
are on familiar terms.
ciao hi/bye A presto! See you soon!
arrivederci good-bye Ci vediamo! See you later!
CHAPTER 2 Meeting and Greeting People 31