These wire or glass microelectrodes were used for the early
neurophysiological experiments, for example, in the work of
Hodgkin and Huxley mentioned before, and they are still in use
today (24). Very fine metal tips could be created, sometimes up to
0.2 mm in diameter as reported by Grundfest et al. (25). A review
of the first type of electrodes can be found in work by Kruger (26).
These probes usually allow only single unit recordings; whilst this
was very useful for the understanding of the nerve system, simul-
taneous recordings from many neurons are needed as the nervous
system is made of large and complicated neural connections.
The use of photographic techniques was developed to help the
creation of multielectrode microprobes. Gross et al. (27) devel-
oped a 36-electrode array with photoetching techniques for in
vitro recordings. The contacts had 12 mm diameter and neural
activity from several neurons was recorded. Pine (28) introduced
two rows of electrodes 250 mm apart with electrodes surfaces of
8 10 mm produced by photoetching techniques. A review on
microetching and metal deposition techniques can be found in
Pickard et al. (29).
Another technique emerged in the early 1970s with the use of
the semiconductor industry for the fabrication of microelectrodes.
One of the first electrodes reported using silicon techniques was
that by Wise et al. (30). They produced an array of gold electrodes
supported on a silicon carrier. Interelectrode spacing was accu-
rately controlled and tip diameters as small as 2 mm were produced.
Successful recordings were obtained from cat cortex. Later, Wise
and Angell (31) reported a multielectrode structure containing
integrated junction-FET input stages. Prohaska et al. (32) obtained
an eightfold microelectrode using thin-film technology with elec-
trodes contact areas of 50 50 mm and separation of 300 mm.
Since then, many microprobes with different characteristics (such
as geometrical areas, materials and number of electrodes) have
been fabricated. Gold, platinum and iridium have been widely
used for recording neural activity. They all present good electrical
and biocompatibility characteristics; however, if the probe is to be
used for stimulation purposes, iridium has a higher current density
capability. The area of the electrodes reported varied from 10 up to
2,500 mm
. The different types of design include planar electrodes
in a two-dimensional plane or electrodes with a three-dimensional
form. A simple wire penetrating electrode would usually have
three-dimensional recording capabilities, meaning it would be
able to record from all its surroundings. Usually the silicon probes,
will have electrodes in a two-dimensional plane, being less able to
record action potentials that occur behind the plane of the elec-
trode. To overcome this problem and still use the advantage of
silicon probes, three-dimensional arrays have been fabricated using
an array of planar shanks, or using electrodes needles in a brush-
like array (e.g. Fig. 6.4).
Microengineered Neural Probes for In Vivo Recording 141