The majority of the work described in this article was funded by
Novartis, where Dr. Esteban Pombo-Villar is acknowledged for his
The authors wish to note that the field of micro reactors has
developed significantly since this chapter was written. For more
detailed information the authors suggest that the reader consults
more recent reviews:
1. C. Wiles and P. Watts, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2008, 1655.
2. B. Ahmed-Omer, J. C. Brandt and T. Wirth, org. Biomol.
Chem., 2007, 5, 733.
3. B. P. Mason, K. E. Price, J. L. Steinbacher, A. R. Bogdan and
D. T. McQuade, Chem. Rev., 2007, 107, 2300.
1. Bradley, D. (1999) Chemical reduction.
European Chemist 1, 17.
2. Fletcher, P. D. I. and Haswell, S. J. (1999)
Downsizing synthesis. Chem. Br. 35, 38.
3. Cowen, S. (1999) Chip service. Chem. &
Ind. 2 August, 584.
4. McCreedy, T. (1999) Reducing the risks of
synthesis. Chem. & Ind. 2 August, 588.
5. Barrow, D., Cefai, J. and Taylor, S. (1999)
Shrinking to fit. Chem. & Ind. 2 August, 591.
6. Cooper, J., Disley, D. and Cass, T. (2001)
Lab-on-a-chip and microarrays. Chem. &
Ind. 15 October, 653.
7. Haswell, S. J., Middleton, R. J., O’Sullivan,
B., Skelton, V., Watts, P. and Styring, P.
(2001) The application of micro reactors to
synthetic chemistry. Chem. Commun. 391.
8. Matlosz, M., Ehrfeld, W. and Baselt, J. P.
(eds.) (2002) IMRET 5: Proceedings of the
Fifth International Conference on Micro-
reaction Technology. Springer, Berlin.
9. Ehrfeld, W., Hessel, V. and L
owe, H. (2000)
Microreactors: New Technology for Modern
Chemistry. Wiley–VCH. Weinheim.
10. Overbeek, J. Th. G. (1952) in Colloid
Science, ed. H.R. Kruyt, Elsevier, Amster-
dam, Chap. V, 195.
11. Rice, C. L. and Whitehead, R. (1965) Elec-
trokinetic flow in a narrow cylindrical capil-
lary. J. Phys. Chem. 69, 4017.
12. Hunter, R. J. (1981) Zeta Potential in Col-
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13. Jednacak, J., Pravdic, V. and Haller, W.
(1974) The electrokinetic potential of
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14. McCreedy, T. (2000) Fabrication techni-
ques and materials commonly used for the
production of micro reactors and micro total
analytical systems. TrAC 19, 396.
15. McCreedy, T. (2001) Rapid prototyping
of glass and PDMS microstructures for
micro total analytical systems and micro
chemical reactors by microfabrication in
the general laboratory. Anal. Chim.
Acta 427,39.
16. Haswell, S. J. (1997) Development and
operating characteristics of micro flow injec-
tion analysis systems based on electroosmo-
tic flow. Analyst 122, 1R.
17. Freemantle, M. (1999) Downsizing chem-
istry. C&EN22 February, 27.
18. Harrison, D. J. and van den Berg, A. (eds.)
(1998) Proceedings of the Micro Total Ana-
lytical Systems ’98 Workshop. Kluwer Aca-
demic Press, Dordrecht.
19. van den Berg, A. and Lammerink, T. S. J.
(1998) Micro total analysis systems: micro-
fluidic aspects, integration concept and
applications. Topics Curr. Chem. 194, 21.
20. Woolley, A. T., Sensabaugh, G. F. and
Mathies, R. A. (1997) High-speed DNA
genotyping using microfabricated capillary
array electrophoresis chips. Anal. Chem.
69, 2181.
Chemical Synthesis in Microreactors 119