54 2 Atmospheric Dynamics
conservation of
expressed by (2.18), there exists an analog to buoyant instabil-
ity that is relevant to motions within clouds.
a parcel of air in a saturated
environment (mean state) is displaced vertically upward, the parcel, which con-
serves its value of
will become positively buoyant if
A saturated
environment is thus buoyantly unstable in the same way that a dry atmosphere is
unstable when
However, this type of instability is also quickly elimi-
nated and also rather rare.
Since the atmosphere is usually moist (i.e., contains water vapor) but
a situation called conditional instability can arise. A necessary condition
for this instability to exist is for the temperature in the undisturbed atmosphere to
decrease with height less rapidly than a dry parcel of air, conserving its
but more
rapidly than that of a saturated parcel conserving its
In such an atmosphere, a
mass of moist but unsaturated air lifted under parcel-theory conditions above its
saturation level may eventually become warmer than the undisturbed environ-
ment. Nearly all convective clouds (cumulus and cumulonimbus) form in condi-
tionally unstable environments
acquire their buoyancy in this manner.
Another way to state the necessary condition for conditional instability is that
we must have
< 0, where
is the saturation equivalent potential temper-
ature defined by
T (2.146)
That is, the environment is conditionally unstable if the equivalent potential tem-
perature computed as if the environment were saturated decreases with height.
If a whole layer of air, which is initially moist but unsaturated and character-
ized by
< 0, is brought to saturation (e.g., by lifting), the whole layer
becomes buoyantly unstable. Such a layer of air is said to be
potentially unstable.
Severe thunderstorm occurrences are often preceded by a period in which a layer
of the atmosphere is potentially unstable. The storms occur when the potentially
unstable layer is lifted to saturation.
In the atmosphere, buoyancy and Coriolis forces act simultaneously.
large-scale mean state is both geostrophically and hydrostatically balanced and if
there is no friction or heating, motions are two-dimensional in the
x-z plane, and
we continue to make the assumption that
p* = 0 on a parcel, then both (2.93) and
(2.111) apply. An absolute momentum excess or deficit of a parcel displaced from
equilibrium leads to an acceleration in the horizontal, while a deficit or excess in
potential temperature leads to an acceleration in the vertical. These accelerations
may be in either the stable or unstable sense.
is possible for the atmosphere to
be stable for purely vertical or purely horizontal displacements but nonetheless
unstable to sloping or slantwise displacements. Such an environment is said to be
symmetrically unstable and can lead to strong slantwise air motions.
A symmetrically unstable two-dimensional mean state is illustrated in Fig. 2.3.
The isolines of
0 and M both slope in the x-z plane, but both
sz > 0 and
a more complete discussion of conditional and potential instability, see Wallace and Hobbs