66 2 Atmospheric Dynamics
2.10.2 Higher-Order Closure
A more detailed approach, called higher-order closure, is sometimes used to close
the equations when turbulent fluxes are important. Equations for covariances
etc.) are derived from the basic equations by procedures similar
to that used to obtain the turbulent kinetic energy equation (2.86) (which is the
equation for the variance of the velocity). The derived covariance equations pre-
dict the components of any flux
pv'SIl'. However, these new equations involve
triple-product terms [analogous to
in the turbulent kinetic energy equation
(2.86)], which must in turn be dealt with, and the approach is generally very
2.10.3 Large-Eddy Simulation
A third approach to achieving closure of the equations, when turbulence is a
factor, is called large-eddy simulation. The largest eddies, which account for the
largest portion of the turbulent fluxes, are resolved by the grid of a numerical
model. Smaller-scale eddies are parameterized, for example by K-theory.
2.11 The Planetary Boundary Layer
All of the low-cloud types (fog, stratus, stratocumulus, cumulus, and cumulonim-
bus) either occur within or interact strongly with the planetary boundary layer
(PBL), which is the layer of the atmosphere in which the air motion is strongly
influenced by interaction with the surface of the earth. The interaction occurs in
the form of vertical exchanges of momentum, heat, moisture, and mass. These
exchanges are largely effected by atmospheric turbulence. Since the wind velocity
must vanish at the
surface, the PBL is always characterized by shear
production of turbulent kinetic energy
in (2.86)]. Buoyant production may
either enhance or reduce the amount of turbulence
in (2.86)]. However, there is
always at least a small amount of mixing present, and the mixing, whether small or
large, can have a substantial effect on low-cloud development. The clouds, in
turn, can have important feedbacks on the PBL through condensation, evapora-
tion, radiation, downdrafts, and precipitation.
2.11.1 The Ekman Layer
The balanced flow regimes, quasi-geostrophic, semigeostrophic, and gradient
flow, discussed in Sec. 2.2 all apply in
atmosphere, which is the part of the
atmosphere lying above the PBL. The forces associated with molecular friction
and turbulence [terms
F and
in (2.83)] were ignored to obtain these balanced
flows. Turbulence is indeed negligible in large-scale flow in the free atmosphere
(although it is not negligible in the mesoscale and convective-scale motions within
clouds in the free atmosphere). However, in the PBL, the turbulence is not negli-