8.6 Transition of the Supercell to the Tomadic Phase
The early stages of development of the supercell thunderstorm have been depicted
in Fig. 7.23 and Fig. 8.20. During these times, strong vortices (maxima and min-
ima of
0 are produced by tilting of the horizontal vorticity inherent in the environ-
mental wind shear. These processes are depicted again in Fig. 8.22a and b. In Sec.
7.4.3 we noted that, in the splitting storm, the vortex and updraft may become
collocated as a result
combined effects of advection and tilting [recall (7.73)]
and that the rotating updraft thus formed is referred to as the mesocyclone (Fig.
8.22c). The mesocyclone, moreover, extends to low levels to a location on the
gust front (dotted line in Fig. 8.22d). The positioning of the center of the mesocy-
clone at low levels is determined by a complex combination of tilting, advection,
and stretching [i.e., all the terms in (2.59), except those involving
f, are impor-
tant]. The vorticity development at the gust front will be discussed further below.
The mesocyclone, formed between midlevels and the low-level gust front, is the
environment in which the main tornado of the supercell forms. Locating the
mesocyclone by Doppler radar is a useful method for short-term forecasting of
tornado occurrence.
In Figs. 8.9 and 8.10, the typical location of the tornado within the supercell
was seen, in plan view, to be near the leading point of the wedge of warm air
entering the storm at low levels. The schematic view of a tornadic thunderstorm
shown in Fig. 8.23 also shows this region as one of the most likely locations for a
tornado. This empirical model of storm structure near the ground includes a
second tornado location to the south as well as features labeled
and RFD,
which are the outflows of
forward-flank and rear-flank downdrafts. This schema
represents the storm after its transition to the tornadic phase. This transition
usually occurs relatively suddenly, on a scale
min, after the supercell has
evolved slowly over a period of several hours. During the rapid transition, the
low-level rotation increases, the rear-flank downdraft forms behind the updraft,
and the cold outflow and warm inflow become intertwined at low levels.
Figure 8.22 Schematic of vorticity development in a supercell thunderstorm. Cloud boundary is
sketched. Precipitation is hatched. White tube represents a vortex tube. Heavy arrows are updrafts
and downdrafts. GF indicates gust front. Storms move over a horizontal surface shown in perspective.
Point 0 is fixed to the surface and is directly under the center of the cloud in (a). Storms move away
from 0 in time. Storm cross sections are in vertical planes outlined by dashed lines. In (b) a split
occurs. In (c) and (d), the two components of the storm move away from the center line of the
horizontal plane. In (c) divergence (DIY) and convergence (CONY) are indicated. In (d) the vortex at
the base of the downdraft is deleted because by this time it has been greatly weakened by the strong
divergence at low levels. The dotted line in (d) represents the center of the mesocyclone. (From Houze
and Hobbs, 1982.)
Figure 8.23 Schematic plan view of low-level structure of a tornadic thunderstorm. The thick line
surrounds the radar echo. The frontal symbol denotes the boundary between the warm inflow and cold
outflow. Low-level position of the updraft is finely stippled, while the forward-flank (FFD) and
rear-flank (RFD) downdrafts are coarsely stippled. Storm-relative surface flow is shown along with the
likely location of tornadoes. (Adapted from Lemon and Doswell, 1979. Reproduced with permission
from the American Meteorological Society.)