8.8 The Tornado
ized by a fragmented, contorted, but still destructive funnel. Air motions within
and near the tornado (Fig. 8.30) were determined by tracing debris particles and
identifiable cloud elements in motion pictures and by surveying surface damage
patterns. In the mature stage, tangential velocities at a radius of 200 m and heights
60-120 m above ground were estimated to be
in general agreement
with deductions from other documented cases.
At the wall cloud level, there
was strong downward motion on the southwest side of the funnel, with upward
motion on the northeast side (Fig. 8.30b). An empirical model of the life cycle
waterspout vortex is shown in Fig. 8.31. Comparison with Fig. 8.29 shows that the
waterspout life cycle resembles qualitatively that of the supercell tornado. Figure
8.31a corresponds to the organizing stage, Fig. 8.31b to the mature stage, and Fig.
8.31c to the decaying stage of the tornado.
As will be discussed further in Sec. 8.8.2 below, the tornado vortex is in
cyclostrophic balance along most of its length. The condensation marking the
funnel cloud is produced by the low pressure at the center of the vortex. Thus, the
overall shape of the cloud is a tracer of the vortex, not fluid parcels. Recalling the
component vorticity equations (2.57)-(2.59), noting that Coriolis force is negligi-
ble on the scale of the tornado, and assuming that baroclinic generation is also
negligible in this situation, we may combine (2.57)-(2.59) to obtain the three-
dimensional vorticity equation
- =
where the expression on the right is the vector sum of all the stretching and tilting
terms on the right-hand sides of (2.57)-(2.59). The change of the shape of the
tornado vortex indicated by the life cycle of its cloud form seen in Fig. 8.29 is a
222 Measurements made with a small, portable Doppler radar carried to within a few kilometers of a
mature tornado have confirmed estimates such as these by showing tangential velocities as large as 60
(Bluestein and Unruh, 1989).
Figure 8.26 A postulated waterspout development process. (a) Early prefunnel stage. (b)
Intermediate stage. The different horizontal dimensions of the parent vortices (solid circles in cloud,
dashed when shown below, as on left), dark spot on ocean surface, and condensation funnel are
indicated. The heavy dashed curves in (a) denote cold downdraft air which terminates at the surface as
a gust front. The downdraft, the anticyclonic member of the parent vortex pair, and the subcloud
extension of the parent vortices are omitted in (b). In (b), the vortex center is made visible by a
condensation funnel, produced by lowering
pressure in the central core. The dark sea-spray ring
suggests tangential winds >22 m
(From Simpson et al., 1986.Reprinted with permission from the
American Meteorological Society.)
Figure 8.27 Empirical model of a developing waterspout. Cloud base height
H varies from 550 to
670 m and width
d, from 100 to 920 m. Dot over triangle is the standard rain shower symbol. (From
Golden, 1974a. Reprinted with permission from the American Meteorological Society.)
Figure 8.28 Horizontal pattern of wind and spray in a waterspout. Streamlines (solid) and isotachs
(dashed, m
of boundary-layer flow are shown. (From Golden, 1974b. Reprinted with permission
from the American Meteorological Society.)